Gender reassignment is an inhumane, aggressive intervention, which is now backed by huge business interests. A recent volume also addresses those who regret the surgery and shows how the trans industry works in the West. Only for the nervous!

Transgenderism has been one of the main trending topics in the Western world in recent years: after gay marriage was passed in the United States in 2015, it became the new culture war front. Transgender people are those who feel they were born in the "wrong body", i.e. they are "actually" the opposite gender to their biological sex. We used to know it as gender identity disorder. A human right to be celebrated now. The "oppressed" transgender people are celebrated, and the trans movement is forbidden to be questioned by anyone who does this, it is "dehumanizing".

Transgenderism historically affects 0.01 percent of society, almost exclusively boys.

According to various surveys, the population in the European Union today is 0.3; in the United States, they make up 0.3-0.6 percent, depending on the survey. According to numbers, 1.5 million people in the 512 million EU and 1.4 million in the 326 million USA may be transgender. At the same time, this is a number that was created after the definition was expanded.

There is a survey according to which this type of gender identity disorder appears in 0.001 percent of women and 0.033 percent of men.

Until 2012, science did not know that teenage girls could suddenly develop a gender identity disorder. However, this phenomenon also appeared afterwards.

Then in the United Kingdom in 2018, the proportion of teenage girls who want to use "gender reassignment" surgery increased by 4,400 percent. In America, the number of such surgeries performed on women quadrupled between 2016-17, and this was 70 percent of all such surgeries.

American journalist Abigail Shrier calls this the "trans epidemic" and researcher Lisa Littman calls it Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD).

There are more problems with being transgender. Mostly, the anthropology behind it is completely wrong. In 2016, two medical scientists Paul McHugh and Lawrence Mayer and their colleagues reviewed the literature on gender and transgenderism and concluded that

it is scientifically unverifiable that someone is "born in the wrong body".

In addition, the American psychologist and medical profession almost immediately refers anyone who is suspected of having a gender identity disorder to gender reassignment surgery - often a one-hour conversation is enough for this. Gender reassignment surgery is already called "gender confirmation surgery", that is, it confirms the perceived gender as opposed to the biological one. Although

the "gender change" is only apparent, because a person's brain, bones and cells are either female or male, and they cannot be transplanted. Puberty blockers and hormone treatments used can cause serious diseases and disorders. Real sex change is impossible.

And of course, it is not true that minors are not operated on: a Reuters investigation found more than fifty minors who were operated on in America: between 2019 and 2021, 56 13- to 17-year-old adolescents with gender dysphoria underwent genital surgery, such as vaginoplasty. Recently, a scandal broke out in Texas because of this. However, 95 percent of children with gender identity disorder outgrow it without a trace by adolescence.

People who regret being transgender are called detransitioners, and according to official surveys, they make up 2 percent of transgender people, but based on clinical practice, it is likely that this number is much higher, since many of them disappear from the care system. The existence of detransitioners is extremely embarrassing for the trans movement, which proclaims that being trans is wonderful and that being transgender is a wonderful "journey." According to Lisa Littman's research

only 24 percent of detransitioners notify the health system, i.e. 2 percent may actually be around 8 percent.

On the one hand, the movement used to brush off the issue of the detransitioners, the "minority of the minority" by saying that there are too few, a dwarf minority, who are not worth dealing with. This is a rather incoherent argument, as it could sweep the trans movement itself, and even the LGBTQ movement, off the table. They sell themselves as great defenders of minorities, and then ignore the existence of minorities that are unpleasant for them. Not nice.

On the other hand, they used to bring up the argument against detransitioners that they weren't trans in the first place. However, this is a fallacious argument. The LGBTQ movement tends to emphasize the fluidity of sexuality – which, according to research, is indeed true, especially when it comes to LGBTQ orientations. Heterosexuality is quite stable. But if sexuality is fluid, then someone can certainly be trans and then not trans, at least in principle. Of course we know that

according to the movement, this fluidity is only politically correct and acceptable away from heterosexuality and biological sex, not backwards.

Mixed and contradicted by the trans movement's own argument is that transgenderism is innate and unchangeable. This is also not true: a "sexual feeling" contrary to our biology cannot be innate, and practice does not prove it either. The trans movement claims that transgenderism is innate and unchangeable, therefore it tries to push everyone who even slightly thinks about the possibility of being trans into changing their gender, then in the case of those who regret it, it spreads its hands and excuses itself by saying that, well, there were never trans people in the first place . However, the movement forced the people involved to change their gender.

The problem is precisely this: it is impossible to say in advance who will regret it. However, gender reassignment interventions cannot be undone.

The so-called Dutch protocol, on the basis of which minors with gender identity disorder have been treated with anti-puberty drugs for many years, is receiving more and more criticism. Recently, a number of researchers have spoken out against the practice. At the end of 2022, two experts wrote an article against it in the German Die Welt, and in August 2022, thirty Dutch experts demanded the elimination of the protocol. A 2021 Swedish review also considers the available data on the psychological effects of puberty blocking insufficient, as do a 2020 report by the Finnish health authorities and a 2022 report by the British. Many of the young people who start transitioning early regret it, they are the "detransitioners", who already number 54 thousand in the Reddit/detrans group alone. The trans movement always frames dealing with detransitioners as a manifestation of conservatives' trans-hatred. They have not yet given an answer to how they think it is possible to deal with detransitioners and repentants in such a way that, in their opinion, there is no trans hatred - probably not anyway, since

the trans movement's goal is not some kind of due process, but to silence the subject, as it threatens their political goals and their own worldview, if you like, they see detransitioners as an existential threat.

Nevertheless, at the beginning of 2024, the New York Times also devoted an article to detransitioners who previously thought of themselves as trans, to whom, according to the author of the paper, more attention should be paid.

book Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult was published

The book's introduction says: “trans activists are all loud – unless you regret 'transitioning' and have taken the road back. If you question the ideology of gender, you better shut up. This fascinating new book includes interviews with repentants and gives voice to young people who have been taken in by this harmful ideology. Their testimonies, including the lawsuits they filed against the gender-affirming health and therapy professionals who treated them, are unforgettable. The 'Gay Pride Month' held every June has become an unquestionable celebration not only of lesbians, gays and bisexuals, but also of gender change.

But the experience of detransitioners shows that it is more complicated and painful than most would ever imagine.”

Mary Margaret Olohan's interviewees are mostly young women and a few young men who imagined themselves to be transgender and later regretted it. The stories of Prisha, Luka, Chloe, Helena and others are dramatic and infuriating. Several of them had various mental problems or had molested her before. As teenagers, they hated their bodies, or they didn't want to experience more molestation, or they had other reasons, but they soon found the sectarian roots of the Internet trans cult, and the doctors and psychologists immediately pushed them into gender reassignment.

Huge sums of money, tens of thousands of dollars, have been put into gender reassignment, some of them have even gone as far as gender reassignment surgery. However, over time, they became disillusioned and faced difficulties that the trans industry did not inform them about, or at best were “small print” comments. For example, that they risk infertility with puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and gender reassignment. That their other mental disorders are not solved by this. That gender change comes with severe mood swings and is no guarantee of anything.

That they have to handle their imitation genitalia (which has nothing to do with the real one) throughout their lives, so to speak. That removed breasts cannot be sewn back on. And then I listed just a few. The American trans industry simply hides the difficulties from the patients, and at the same time takes the identification of lost teenagers as cash.

The myth systematically propagated by the trans movement is also discussed, according to which "prefer to have trans children, they are all dead".

and that parents who prevent their child with gender identity disorder from changing gender are at risk of suicide. This is not true, the researches do not support this, and they usually cite studies among adults to support this, but they are also not reliable, because in the long term, gender reassignment does not reduce the suicide rate among trans people, which is not necessarily caused by non-acceptance, but such as untreated other mental health problems.

In the pages of Detrans, for the first time, we can read about how the interviewees came to the conclusion that they are transgender. After that comes encouragement ("confirmation"), then two chapters on hormone therapy and its not-so-glamorous effects, to get to gender reassignment surgery. Then, after the rise comes the more depressing part: the "realization" and regret, then the detransition. So that - using Abigail Shier's expression - irreversible damage was caused to the heroes of the book. After all, they can't sew the breasts back on - or they can, but they won't function as breasts - they can't restore the genitals, and neither can hormone treatment. For women who want to become men, if they regret it, they will still have the stronger physique, the overgrown hair, the deeper voice, and the flat chest. I would not go into further details here.

The trans industry extorts enormous amounts of money from patients, and in addition, life-long "maintenance" treatments are necessary, i.e. it also binds them to itself.

Medical interventions are rough, lengthy, painful and irreversible, but the trans movement only peddles the lie that the body must be adapted to the feelings, and much more tactful therapies that adapt the feelings to the body are being banned in more and more places (several US member states, Canada, France , etc.). The characters in the book sued their former doctors and psychologists. They did well.

Olohan wrote a brave book, and his interviewees are also brave, because today, for doing something like this, one becomes a victim of the woke abolitionist culture. The conditions are well characterized by the fact that, behind the characters of the book, after they decided in favor of detransition,

the medical and psychological support disappeared, their former doctors ignored them, the care system was out of their reach, and of course the internet support as well. The air ran out around them. The trans movement promoting tolerance sucked it up.

Gender reassignment is an inhumane, antihuman, aggressive intervention, which is now backed by huge business interests. It is time to expose this movement based on emotional manipulation. Olohan's book is an excellent vision, which, in addition to theory, is primarily about practice, personal experiences, and real people. We must learn from it and must not continue to allow this inhumanity into the country.

Gergely Szilvay / Mandiner

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