The donations are offered to Magyarlapád Szórványkollegium.

On July 20, an intimate celebration was organized in the courtyard of the Rudnyánszky manor in Torockószentgyörgy, where wheat grains from Fehér and Hunyad counties were mixed within the framework of the Bread of Magyars - 15 million wheat grains program.

The farmers of Fehér County have been involved in the large-scale initiative for several years, but Saturday's event was the first time when they could show their commitment to the noble cause with an officially designated location and a public celebration.

Csaba Marosán, the host of the event, emphasized:

the Magyarok Kenyere – 15 million grains of wheat is more than a mere aid campaign, since in addition to the charitable work, remarkable professional cooperation takes place in the background of the movement. The Cluj-Napoca theater artist described the significance of the program as a national preserver, quoting from the poems of famous Transylvanian poets.

Szilárd Levente Deák-Székely, the mayor of Torockó, considered the chosen settlement to be excellent, since on the one hand the farmers of Torockószentgyörgy were among the first to join the program in Fehér County, and on the other hand there is a lively agricultural activity here, almost every second house has a tractor. According to the mayor, "we have to build on what the past gave us", and tourism also has a place for farmers and livestock breeders.

Helga Lőrincz, deputy mayor of Nagyenyed, emphasized the importance of the program in the scattered areas and the strength of cooperation:

"We know that in addition to the wheat collected here, there are many other bags lined up and we hope that they will all become fertile ears of corn. The meeting of grains of wheat makes it possible to feed on one bread in the Carpathian basin".

According to Széll Lőrincz, sub-prefect of Hunyad County, Hungarian farmers have succeeded in uniting in an exemplary way this year as well. "When we brought our wheat here, we gave a part of ourselves (...) Although we are small communities in the scatter, we are all important, just like the many small grains of wheat that have been put together".

The speeches were followed by the symbolic act of mixing wheat. Lőrincz Konrád, the reformed pastor of Felenyed-Torockószentgyörgy, blessed the grain received as a donation, then local farmer Zsigmond Deák, representing the county's Hungarian farmers, sliced ​​the breads tied with national ribbons.

The event organized by the Pro Agricultura Egyesület and the Hungarian farmers of Fehér County brought together several RMDSZ leading politicians and farmers from two scattered counties, Fehér and Hunyad, so the event proved to be excellent for building real relationships and exchanging professional experience.

Featured image: Maszol/Basa Emese