They promise a camp that adheres to its right-wing values ​​and is open to honest dialogue with those who think differently.

The 33rd Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp, which adheres to right-wing values ​​and is open to honest dialogue with dissenters, will start on Tuesday at Tusnádfürdő in Transylvania, jointly organized by the Transylvanian Hungarian Youth Council (MIT) and the Budapest-based Pro Minoritate Foundation.

Combining the names of the original and the current venue, the motto of the series of events, referred to as Tusványos, which lasts until dawn on Sunday, this year is: On the right track, which on the one hand refers to the Christian-conservative, right-wing ideological community of the founders, and on the other hand to the development of logistical conditions, as it welcomes its visitors under conditions that improve every year festival - Krisztina Sándor, political program manager of the series of events, explained to MTI.

At the same time, he also emphasized that Tusványos offers countless opportunities for an outspoken, constructive debate between public figures and political forces with different views, which at the beginning was mainly manifested in the Romanian-Hungarian dialogue, and in recent years more in the Hungarian-Hungarian dialogue.

A prominent topic this year is the election year,

which in Romania is only halfway through. Several events of the Free University create an opportunity for the Hungarian parties to carry out their analysis and evaluation of the June voting in front of the public.

According to the program manager, it is certain that

the Transylvanian political actors - the representatives of the Transylvanian Hungarian Association (EMSZ) and the Romanian Hungarian Democratic Association (RMDSZ) - will sometimes give voice to their unspoken grievances with "harder remarks", but at the same time, the traditional party political round table with the participation of the opposition parties in Hungary promises to be an interesting debate.

He noted: Tusványos is not only an important political event because of the podium discussions taking place in front of the public, but it also creates an excellent opportunity for informal discussions and meetings.

An essential program point of the camp is the Friday morning national political round table of the leaders of the Hungarian interest protection organizations operating in the Carpathian Basin.

and on Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and László Tőkés, president of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council, will give a presentation

on the main stage in front of the sports field.

Zsolt Németh, one of the founders of the free university, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament, will be the moderator at the forum, which will be held under the motto "On the Right Path".

Although the media focuses primarily on the statements of political actors, Tusványos is both a free university and a festival, where, in addition to political and public events, a theater tent, a university tent, a youth stage, a sports terrace, as well as a rich selection of folk music and folk dance programs await those interested - stressed Krisztina Sándor.

This year's Tusványos operates 34 event venues together with 76 partner organizations. Participants can find out about the more than 500 programs featuring around a thousand speakers on the website or the Tusványos mobile application.

Krisztina Sándor said:

thanks to the partner institutions, children's activities, educational and entertainment programs await families, and at the same time, the intertwining of the student camp and the political forum has made Tusványos a particularly multi-generational event,

where several generations have now grown up, and where the founders return not only with their children, but - some of them - with their grandchildren.

At the Saturday forum organized with the participation of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as last year, participation is subject to prior registration, otherwise anyone can visit the camp: entry is free before 4:00 p.m., and those who come specifically to party after 4:00 p.m. can exchange it for 30 lei (2,360 HUF) and the one-time or 120 lei wristband entitling you to entry for the whole week.

Although the official opening will not take place until Wednesday morning, the concert program will begin on Tuesday, day zero, on the central stage of Tusványos - with the performances of Blahalouisiana and then Bagossy Brothers Company. Magashegyi Underground and Honeybeast will perform on Wednesday, Balázs Szabó's Band and Ákos on Thursday, Feró Nagy and Beatrice on Friday, and Hungarian rock legends József Kalapács, Joe Rudán and Miklós Varga will perform on the festival's central stage.

On Saturday, 4S Street, Kowalsky and Vega will close the line-up of performers at 33. Tusványos.


Cover image: Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, the founder of the free university, speaks at the press conference held at the Bálna Event Center on July 16, 2024, about the programs of this year's Tusványosi summer free university.
July 23-28. summer university between From the left, Mária Tárnok, chief organizer from Hungary, chairman of the board of trustees of the Pro Minoritate Foundation, from the right, Tibor T. Toró, vice president of the Transylvanian Hungarian Association. MTI/Robert Hegedüs