Orbán came to Viktor Tusványos wearing a hussar hat.

Viktor Orbán reported on his Facebook page that he arrived in Tusnádfürdő in a hussar. "The Fehérvár hussars have come!" - wrote the Prime Minister to the shared photo.

This Saturday, Viktor Orbán will give a speech for the 33rd time at the Bálványosi Summer Free University. These speeches of the Hungarian Prime Minister are the most influential theme-selection speeches of Hungarian political life, the ideas expressed here represent the intellectual framework of governance and define the strategic horizon for the Hungarian right-wing. But they represent a point of reference in the European and, more recently, in the American political environment as well.

According to political scientist Dániel Deák, Viktor Orbán will deliver his current speech at a turning point after the EP elections, but before the US elections.

Photo: Viktor Orbán Facebook