The actions of the TISZA president once again won a decisive victory over his principles.

It became news here

the president of the TISZA Party occupied a position originally reserved for women in the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee

– at the committee meeting, the Socialists drew special attention to this unfairness, but Péter Magyar didn't bat an eye (as well as the domestic feminist detachment, which sometimes watches with prying eyes in the various photos to see if the sacred parity is fulfilled).

He lies and lies

But that's only one part of it.

Sitting in the ranks of the People's Party, the politician became the fourth vice-chairman of the AFCO committee - which, in addition to the People's Party chairman, already had a People's Party, a Socdem and a Renew faction vice-chairman.

The EPP therefore occupied three out of five positions in the committee with Péter Magyar - as a clear disproportion and to the detriment of the Patriots.

Péter Magyar has now stated as clearly as possible in his Facebook comments that he does not approve of the isolation of the Patriots: he opposes the "exclusion of certain groups" on "principled grounds". The likes and the subconsciously admiring pairs of eyes came for his incomparable kindness. That

yes, with this he represents something that fills the gap refreshingly, with his honest, down-to-earth democratic attitude.

Well, he was talking about a "principle" basis, not about concrete practice. Indeed, when the chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee asked him whether he would accept his nomination as vice-chairman of the committee, i.e. that the EPP would usurp a position belonging to the Patriots in his person, he answered: he would gladly accept it.

I am happy to accept", he said exactly.

Like when someone, as a champion of justice, proudly stands up for his brother (who until then willingly carried him to every party) to get a slice of the cake - and then when that certain last slice is handed to him instead of his brother, so that he can eat it in good health,

he swallows it all without hesitation, with a wide grin.

If he had even for a moment been serious about the charade presented with cold calculation, then the refusal or even the questioning of the nomination for the otherwise rather insignificant position of fourth vice-president of a specialist committee would have been an excellent opportunity to prove it. "Mr. President, I would gladly accept the honorable invitation, so why not accept it with pleasure, except that then the members of the People's Party faction in the EP, which has 26 percent, would fill 60 percent of the positions in this committee, while the Patriots, which have 11.7 percent, would hold zero, even though Renew, with 10.7 percent, already received one-fifth of the seats on the pulpit.

I really hate the Patriots' parties, I haven't pocketed millions from the neighborhood of any of them for half a year now,

but let's take ourselves seriously, as well as the Constitutional Affairs Committee. Take a look, the motto "United in diversity" can be found in the footer of today's agenda; and the treaty on the European Union itself - for the implementation of which we here at the AFCO committee are specifically responsible - states in its Article 2 that the basis of the EU is "democracy, equality, the rule of law, and human rights - including the rights of persons belonging to minorities - values ​​of respect.

»Democracy«, lol! Let's notice how many people in my country also nicely asked with their votes that the patriots also be given a card in Brussels!

»Equality«, hecklings! As much as it is dear to my heart, why should a disproportionately loud representation come at the cost of accurately filling the mouths of the Fidesz voters, who were still demure the day before yesterday? »Rule of Law«, children! According to Article 34 of the EP's rules of procedure, for example, there should be an explicit effort to have procedures "that reflect the political diversity of the Parliament in the committees and delegations, as well as in the decision-making bodies". Does the rule of law prevail in this regard when I am nominated as the fourth vice president?

And finally, the rights of "members of the minority", let's come to our senses!

Do we seriously want to accept our resolutions on the protection of LGBTQIA people in Lower Eritrea in this cycle, while greedily trampling on the rights of our own third largest faction, just because there are fewer of them and others?

I, Péter Magyar, have principles and I stick to them. Unfortunately, I am therefore unable to accept the nomination in this form.

He could have responded to the invitation with such words, and moreover without financial loss, since all representatives in the European Parliament receive the same honorarium. The practical application of the principles voiced in the speech would have cost an insignificant office - and in return, the spineless stance could have even brought one or two right-wing votes.

Instead, however, he rather ate the slice of cake with relish, and then assumed a victim pose and posted to his followers that "the grand coalition of Fidesz and the Socialist faction (in which Klára Dobrev sits) in the EP was born", because according to him, neither the DK nor the Fidesz representative voted with yes when he was elected vice-president, and with this they wanted to prevent him, so to speak, with a common force that

a Hungarian politician (indicated he) should be given a "leading position".

Apart from the fact that the danger of preventing it obviously did not exist due to the balance of power, and that in the absence of another candidate, it did not even arise that the "no" vote would have favored a non-Hungarian politician over the Hungarian (unlike the election of Pál Szekeres from Fidesz gender) - apart from all this, the vision of a "grand coalition" is not a very wise proposition in the first place.

A few days earlier, in the polls about the war in Ukraine, TISZA politicians pressed the same button as Fidesz, not once, but repeatedly.

of which there is also a written record, unlike the votes of the special committee's secret ballot - then perhaps we can inform the enthusiastic supporters that the grand coalition of "orange Fidesz" and "tricolor Fidesz" was spectacularly formed at the very first plenary session?

But at least we could find out how

According to Péter Magyar, voting equally with a politician of another party for any reason means instant collusion and even ideological marriage.

In light of this, it will be exciting to observe the party's struggle within the Capital Assembly.

Mandiner/Francesca Rivafinoli

Featured image: Tisza Party / Facebook