Anyone who visits here knows exactly what to expect: hospitality, excellent quality, and conditions that would hold their own anywhere in the world.

Hundreds of programs are waiting for those interested in nineteen locations on the feast of King St. István, the Founder of the State, between August 17 and 20, said the Secretary of State responsible for international communication and relations at the press conference of the series of celebrations on Thursday in Budapest.

Zoltán Kovács highlighted that August 20 is one of the most serious events in the country in terms of interest and participation, not simply the founding of the state, the feast of King St. Stephen and Hungary's birthday, but a festival and series of events that are also a benchmark in terms of the country's prestige.

The operative group responsible for the safe conduct of the event started its work already in June, many hundreds of people are working to ensure that people can have fun safely, the state secretary said.

Zoltán Kovács also touched on the fact that after 2019 the growth of tourism slowed down, but this year it was finally possible to surpass the numbers of the "last year of peace": never before have so many Hungarians and foreigners vacationed in Hungary.

Those who visit here know exactly what to expect: hospitality, excellent quality, and conditions that would hold their own anywhere in the world, emphasized the state secretary.

That's why the events of this year's August 20 were organized in such a way that the programs also appear in the tourist offer and are valid, pointed out Zoltán Kovács.

Szente Vajk, the ambassador of the St. Stephen's Day celebration series, said about the gastronomic offer that at the Csárdafestival on Vörösmarty Square, you can taste the most popular flavors of the best csárdas in the company of chef Zoltán Kovács, as well as folk dance performances and folk music programs.

As in previous years, between Lánchíd and Döbrentei tér, the Street of Magyar Ízek awaits visitors, which presents the gastronomic culture of the Carpathian Basin, the focus will be on medicinal plants, spices, food and drinks, and here you will be able to taste the country's cake and bread too.

In Alkotmány utca, you can see the Golden Train exhibition, where you can see a reproduction of the train that once took Szent Jobb on a tour, and here the Promenade of Cities shows how diverse the cities of the motherland and beyond the border are.

Those interested in Hungarian fashion, jewelry and design can visit Millenáris Park for the Fashion and Design Festival, those who want to experience heroic moments of Hungarian history are welcome at Buda Castle on the Heroes' Road, and the Festival of Crafts folk art festival is also organized here.

The center of the children's programs will be in the City Park, in the Magic Park the court of King István, the fairy-tale heroes of István Csukás, as well as the prince and princess academy await the children.

Zséda (Adrienn Zsédenyi), the other ambassador of the St. Stephen's Day celebration series, presented the musical programs taking place at the five locations.

On Gellért Hill, in the Philosophers' Garden, serious music and jazz will play the main role, with performances by the Danubia Orchestra, the Central Orchestra of the Hungarian Armed Forces, the Modern Art Orchestra and László Dés.

The stars of the 70s, 80s and 90s perform in Retro Tabán: among others, TNT, Demjén Ferenc, Edda and Első Emelet.

Bagossy Brothers Company, Honey Beast, Parnograszt, Roma Soul, Zséda and Curtis will perform at the Road Movie live event on the wharf.

Fans of electronic music are welcome at the Szabad Rét festival, well-known Hungarian DJs will play.

Bálint Gájer, Tamás Darvas, Gábor Füzi, László Lakatos and Gyula Nyári will perform at the Vigadó Piano event on Vigadó Square.

On August 18, Mándoki Soulmates will give a free concert on Szent István square.

Ferenc Tóth, the managing director of NUVU Kft., which organizes the August 20 fireworks, said that during the 30-minute show again this year, more than 45,000 pyrotechnic effects will be shot from the Szabadság, Erzsébet and Margit bridges, as well as from nine barges and numerous pontoons.

This year there will also be light painting, light and laser games, and a drone show, but what is new is that this year the viewing area for the fireworks has been expanded: from the Petőfi bridge to the lower third of Margit Island, you will be able to enjoy the spectacle on a five-kilometer stretch, which will be roughly the same from all locations, he said. the manager.

This year's artistic concept was created by Árpád Iványi and Barnabás Réti, the visual design was created by Anikó Seres, and the background music was composed by Norbert Elek to folk songs. The performance consists of seven acts, which are connected by a fabulous historical sound play - reported Ferenc Tóth.


Cover image: Fireworks in Budapest on the celebration of the founding of the state, Saint Stephen's Day, August 20, 2023.
In the foreground is the Elizabeth Bridge. MTI/Zoltán Balogh