What is certain is that this Olympics will go down in sports history as the most scandalous world competition of all time. Even if another scandal does not happen. But history suggests it will.

For us, it started with a scandal years ago. An extremist party – still a movement at the time – butchered our Olympic hosting dreams. Since then, it has been revealed that the name choice of the party of "shiny-eyed youths" who were exempt from physical education and lacked exercise and IQ was perfect, their operation is no more than a few mean, tragic moments. However, even in a short period of time, they were able to harm their own country as much as even the sadly remembered SZDSZ did before it. And yet they tried too.

It will never be clear whether the company that planned the Budapest Olympics, motivated only by its own anti-Hungarian sentiment (to prevent the Christian-conservative government from carrying out something big), thwarted our hopes, or whether there was some small skepticism in favor of the Paris arrangement. This cannot be proven, but knowing their many years of hostile activity, it cannot be ruled out.

Then came the tragedy, which the French call the opening ceremony, but everyone else calls it a Christian-defaming LGBTQ demonstration. Although the directors were forced to realize - in retrospect, after the initial outrage - that they had pushed the bike too far, they pathetically explained (across) their credentials, trying to deny the irrefutable, claiming that they were not showing a mockery of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece The Last Supper , but even the blind can see that this is a lie. So much so that even Muslim religious leaders noticed it.

The trouble belongs to the organizers, but let's not forget the fact that the International Olympic Committee should have known about the disgraceful provocation and they did. There is no moment (this moment again) of an Olympics that they do not have to approve in advance. Then they had to accept this filth too. In other words, not only the repulsive event, but also the leaders of the IOC are filthy.

But how much they are! They checked and approved that the living rooms of the Olympic village also function as saunas, so that they do not use an air conditioning system for "environmental protection reasons". What's in it for them? They sprawl out in their luxury hotel rooms, the contestants just cook in their own juice and, because you can't rest in the heat, compete as best they can. Sporting is sport even when tired, competition is competition even when skinned.

These filth allowed the organizers to chase the triathletes into the Seine, which is prone to infection, even though only one letter, "j" has to be changed to "r" and the water quality of the river can already be known. There is no doubt that they will do the same with open water swimmers and the villains of the IOC will not say a bad word. According to the truth, all of them should be thrown into the sewage, let them do just one good thing, just in case they find their lost decency as a result of the nice experience.

These scoundrels also approved the trouble of two biologically men beating women in the ring. Those who assess the situation as if wife-beating has become an Olympic sport are absolutely right. To justify their meanness, they say that the testosterone level is like this, but even though someone is born with female genitalia and they can reduce the testosterone level, they don't check, for example, whether this figure has a uterus? Because if she doesn't have it (and she doesn't have it because it was removed, but because she didn't have it in the first place), she can't be called a woman. Not to mention his other physical characteristics.

The leaders of the IOC are eye-rollingly referring to equal opportunities, while they are violating this very thing. They are potential killers, because there is a huge risk that a male punch could even kill the biologically female opponent. If such a tragedy occurs, what will the IOC gentlemen lie about? That the victim committed suicide in the ring?

If they think it is acceptable for such a man-woman pairing to take place, since the chances are equal, give it a try. Get in the ring against a real woman. They would have about as much chance against a trained female boxer as they would against a biological man. A couple of decent slaps might be able to hammer their muddled minds right. If not, that's okay, in the hospital they will have time to think about what real equal opportunities are.

It seems that the goal of the villains of the IOC is to destroy women's sports in the name of gender madness. I once wrote (as did others) that either women should give up on being elite athletes, or they should boycott all competitions where biological men can compete in the women's field. The American gang mocked as democrats is also a pioneer in this mental disorder with their gender-neutral toilets, washrooms, changing rooms, gender reassignment surgeries and their advocacy of "mixed" competitions. And the filth that spreads in the USA will appear in Europe sooner rather than later.

But until the madness has taken over completely, complete insanity can still be prevented. For example, with the urgent need to distract the current leaders of the IOC from all kinds of sports.

What happened proves that it would have been too late yesterday.

Featured image: wagrati.eu