All summer experiences are especially valuable for orphaned and semi-orphaned children and for families who suffered heavy losses in the epidemic.

This year too, the István Regőczi Foundation for the Orphans of the Corona Virus is helping its beneficiaries with vacation opportunities and school start contributions.

In its announcement sent to MTI, the foundation wrote,

this year they also tried to provide as many leisure programs, rest and camping opportunities as possible to the children supported by the foundation and their relatives.

They drew attention to the fact that all summer experiences are especially valuable for families who suffered heavy losses in the epidemic.

According to the foundation's information, orphaned and semi-orphaned children had the opportunity to relax with their peers separately or together with their family members. Thanks to the Familiare Social Organization Foundation, 113 people took part in a family vacation in Siófok, and thanks to the Erzsébet Foundation, 120 people were able to rest in Zánká in the Family Erzsébet camps.

Thanks to the offer of the Johannita Helping Service, the Danube Fishing Association of Ráckeve, and Karola Orbán, a total of 42 young people were able to spend a week in Terény, Ráckeve, and Transylvania, respectively. They pointed out: the shared experiences helped them escape from everyday life, the young people could go on vacation in a contemporary community of people with similar problems, leaving the difficulties a little behind them.

As written,

in addition to the programs, the foundation tries to ease the burdens of families with a holiday grant in June and a contribution for starting school in August. During these days, 1,214 children receive, depending on their financial situation, a one-time school start grant of HUF 30,000 or HUF 50,000.

They reminded him: the foundation helps all full-time students in Hungary, young and old, who lost one or both parents as a result of the coronavirus epidemic. Those who would like to support the Covid-orphans through the work of the Regőczi Foundation should visit the , where you can find all the information about donating. You can help by making a transfer to the bank account number 11705084-21448492-00000000, or by calling the donation line 13650: every connection or sent SMS means HUF 500 support, announced the István Regőczi Foundation for Orphans of the Corona Virus.


Cover image: Illustration /
Former President of the Republic János Áder, founder of the Regõczi Foundation (j) and László Cseh, Olympic silver and bronze medalist, world and European champion swimmer, ambassador of fishing (b) fishing with young people at the field camp for children supported by the Regõczi Foundation program, at the Rézparti reservoir in Magyarnándor on July 10, 2024.
MTI/Péter Komka