The murders of children in Southport and the terror in Vienna are an alarm signal for Europe.

"Public security is in extreme danger due to migration," wrote Bence Rétvári, the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, in his statement.

The events of the past few weeks have proven once again that forced migration poses a threat to public order and security in Europe and to the peaceful life of European people.

He emphasized that more and more frightening events are happening every day. Taylor Swift's three mega-concerts were canceled in Vienna, the capital city rated as the most livable in Europe, due to the threat of terrorism. In England, for a week and a half, the police have not been able to control the street riots, which erupted because a young migrant with an African background killed three little girls and injured eleven people. In Spain, Algerian immigrants stabbed to death and then beheaded a Spanish man in an open street in downtown Valencia. From Sweden to Italy, shocking cases happen every day that would never have happened without migration, the state secretary listed.

If there was no migration, there would be no no-go zones and the big cities of Western Europe would be safer. Pro-migration politicians are still unwilling to face reality: they advocate tolerance and therefore sacrifice public safety. It's amazing that they are already on the side of migrants, and not on the side of the "native" citizens of their own country and security

- said Bence Rétvári.

He pointed out that crimes are committed not only by those who have recently arrived in Europe, but also in many cases by the children of immigrants born in Europe. All this can happen because Europe could not and did not want to integrate them. "Because where there is no cultural self-awareness, there is no cultural integration!" stated the state secretary. He added: even the death victims of migration do not influence the leadership in Brussels, they accept a migration pact and enforce immigration quotas.

As he wrote, Hungary continues to oppose illegal migration and protect the country's external border. While the number of crimes in our country has decreased by nearly 60 percent, the public safety situation in pro-migration countries is deteriorating. While the Israeli national football team also plays in Hungary, because they are the safest in Europe, the number of anti-Semitic attacks in pro-migration countries has risen to frightening heights. While concerts in pro-migration countries are canceled due to the threat of terrorism, hundreds of thousands of young people can safely attend festivals in Hungary. The facts justify us - summed up the state secretary.

"European citizens can only be safe if there is a radical change in Brussels policy, and instead of organizing migration, the goal will be to stop migration"

- said Bence Rétvári.


Featured image: Péter Mészáros/