The last time similar excitement could run through the same segment of the Hungarian population was when a fundraiser was organized for the liberation of Isaura, the slave girl. Written by Tamás Pilhál.

A few days ago, Péter Magyar delighted the country and the world with a video recording, in which he tried to find answers to the questions that torment humanity the most. According to the reports, the following stood out among these questions: would he (meaning Péter) go on a date with someone (anyone) who invites him in a message.

To which the following answer was received: yes, "let's try it". Surely, the heartbeats of hundreds of thousands of fans sped up when they heard these encouraging words. The last time similar excitement could run through the same segment of the Hungarian population was when a fundraiser was organized for the liberation of Isaura, the slave girl.

Let's look at the matchmaking attempts of our fellow Hungarians with an open heart and a sympathetic soul! For example, it is particularly gratifying that he is looking for girls.

In our decadent age, when women's boxing is won by testicle protectors, this is something to be happy about. And his sincerity is also to be admired, as he stands in front of the camera and says that he is waiting for the applicants, whom he will try in some way.

It's a shame that someone can be so shameless and unscrupulous.

But we cannot hide the fact that this honesty is also excruciatingly funny. We can be overwhelmed by the feeling that one of the Formula 1 commentators had: "There is no such thing, and yet there is!"

Really, do you think it could happen anywhere in the world that a guy who demands political power and is fighting for people's trust and votes uses his agitprop videos for open courtship?

How can a comatose who dreams of being a future prime minister betray himself like György Gattyán leder's wives? No, this cannot happen anywhere in the world, I'm sure of it. This can only happen here, in our fairy-tale Hungary. And so that we can have as much fun as possible.

Of course, from a marketing professional point of view, it's a very clever combination of goods. It is possible that he is also a diamond level Amway agent. As in the joke, when they include in the obituary: "A Trabant is for sale right here." Well, now Péter Magyar is selling in the same place.

And if he sells, and the country buys (accepts) his text in two years, then the country will soon be for sale in the same place.

And they will buy it by the pound, thanks to whom Péterke is currently producing millions of Facebook hits, ticking off Taylor Swift. (But of course there is no such thing as a network. And no Soros plan.)

We don't even have to try too hard to see all the public snobbery that Péter Magyar brings out day after day as "comedy" despite its tragic elements.

He eavesdrops and blackmails his ex-wife - then asks the country to trust him. In state positions, he earns three to four million a month (there was a month when he earned more than the prime minister himself) - and then rummages in the wallets of his former colleagues in the most impudent fashion. He proclaims, "Fear not!" – but he even goes to the toilet with bodyguards. He urges Viktor Orbán to "order his ministers home from the luxury yachts" - even though the photo of Péter Magyar uploaded to the dating site, in which he is fiddling with the steering wheel of a luxury yacht in the blue sea, is circulating all over the Internet.

It's cool that he (unlike the members of the government) has fun with the populace - while the other day he was caught on camera lounging in the VIP section of Sziget, having previously thrown a private party with his "prominent supporters".

What's next? Are you calling for tougher punishments for cell phone robbers? Are you starting a foundation against intimate partner violence?

Péter Magyar, whose partner is rare, is now looking for a partner. He sways and shakes himself, making fun of himself. A real statesman!

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: HírTV