According to the president of the KDNP, the left-wing media's actions in the matter of the Statue of Liberty are fraudulent.

We consider it deceitful and simply call it a double standard when the left-wing press takes action against the crucifixion, but it is much more understandable when Christians are insulted and our faith is mocked - emphasized the KDNP faction leader on Wednesday, A double standard is the statue of freedom? in his Facebook post.

István Simicskó wrote that the Citadel and the Statue of Liberty are one of the emblematic symbols of Budapest and Hungary.

The statue of Zsigmond Strobl in Kisfaludi was completed in 1947 and was originally erected in honor of the Soviets who expelled the Nazis from Budapest. After the change of regime, the symbols referring to the socialist era were removed, so the sculpture group acquired its present form, recalled the faction leader.

He added: unfortunately, in the last three decades, the condition of both the Citadel and the Statue of Liberty has deteriorated significantly, the current renovation will pay off an old debt and put an end to an unworthy state.

According to the visual plans for the renovation, a cross, which is the main symbol of our Christian faith, will be placed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty will soon be visible in its renewed form

"This idea has blown the fuse so much in some circles that a collection of signatures has been started to prevent the placement of the cross.

The cross disturbs the spiritual world of some people, which can be found on the Holy Crown and therefore also in the Hungarian coat of arms, and which symbolizes Europe's nearly two thousand-year-old religious heritage," said István Simicskó.

He pointed out that Hungary and the Hungarian people have made it clear in every election in the last 14 years that they do not ask from the left and from Soros, who funds them. Hungarians believe in a Europe of strong, sovereign nation-states rooted in Christian culture, and they emphasize this commitment by using one of the country's oldest symbols, the faction leader stated.

According to István Simicskó, the cross of the Statue of Liberty "will not only symbolize our 1,000-year past, but also the faith of Hungarians in the future; it will be in a good place there, as it all stems from the history, culture and spirit of Hungary".

Cover photo: István Simicskó
Source: Vasá