The purpose of this article is to sound a wake-up call to my father. Of course, not just him.

There are many well-intentioned, naive people who unfortunately do not see reality. Or maybe they would see it, but it's more comfortable to bury their heads in the sand, to convince themselves that there is no big problem. Undoubtedly, it is more convenient to stick to such assumptions, which may once have been true, that the West, the Euro-Atlantic world (despite its many faults) is fundamentally the best of the existing, accessible worlds. Because it is truly terrifying to face reality. And that's why many prefer to pretend they don't see it.

Not just what happens in the West; it is difficult not to see this, even if the mainstream media and the European political leadership try to hide, trivialize, and reframe the events. However, the main news breaks through the wall of silence. But what kind of feeling will develop from this in the population, will there be any feeling at all or will they just wave it off, move on, forget it... the globalist elite, politicians, and the media are masters of that, but cultural and public figures, international organizations are also very muddled.

The systematic destruction of Western civilization and legal order is taking place, both from within and without. But not only are the conquerors (immigrants, mainly from Islamic countries) pounding from the outside, and the deviants (woke-Marxism, LMTBQ) are disrupting it inside, but part of the external enemy is already here.

And the West continues to live in the world as if there is no tomorrow, it flees from reality in a way that shames the Romans, it rolls the wine down its throat, it eats the grapes, every now and then it realizes its malaise, then it pokes a little with a quill throat, throw up, and then everything goes on. "Wir schaffen das" - we can do it; said Angela Merkel back in 2015. But they couldn't do it even then. Today, the situation has become much worse.

As a result of the worsening situation, of course, a larger and larger part of Europe's population is waking up; but unfortunately it looks like it is no longer enough. Especially since those who are supposed to protect the interests of Europe and the citizens of individual countries, not only do not protect them, but have specifically turned against them, harming them. Verbally, physically and with the tools of the law.

Let's look at the specific case. Two weeks ago in Southport, England, a dance education event was organized for young children who are fans of Taylor Swift. A 17-year-old boy with a Rwandan immigrant background, second-generation (that is, already born in Great Britain, specifically in Wales) broke into the dance studio and killed three little girls (a six-, a seven- and a nine-year-old) with a knife. The incident caused a huge outcry - but this time something else happened. The matter did not stop at the level of "je suis", profile picture frames indicating solidarity, and "we are not afraid" slogans. The people of Southport literally revolted.

Local residents took to the streets, demanding that the authorities finally do something. Years of frustration were released in them. The constant compulsion to adopt the mantra "stranger is beautiful" while these strangers have continually violated the rules of social coexistence without consequence. In fact, the immigrants were always the victims, and if anyone spoke out against them anywhere, they were accused of hate speech and the like.

Well, it's not like the situation is any different now. Even now, the authorities punish those who dare to speak. Those who now not only complained sporadically, but also took to the streets. The police came out in large forces against them, and physical clashes worthy of the English folk spirit took place. The globalist tabloid press, of course, talks about unfortunate, injured policemen and far-right mobs. Familiar?

Of course, the parallel between the students, pensioners and the hard-nosed British villagers who were indiscriminately beaten on the streets of Budapest in 2006 by the Gyurcsány-Gergényi tandem's henchmen dressed as policemen is not perfect. The latter give at least as hard as they get. And of course, of course, we stand in solidarity with police officers who are injured while doing their job.

But what kind of work do the British police do? He stands up to those who demand that the police do their job and stand up to those who don't, and three innocent little girls had to die as a result.

The indignation and the resulting demonstrations did not stop in Southport, they spread to many other settlements in England, including Liverpool. And, of course, the population was upset in the online space as well. And - what a surprise! – the excellent British police pounced on this as well. Of course, this is nothing new, family homes have already been raided for online hate speech. This time a 55-year-old woman was arrested in Chester. The official charge: he published false information about the identity of the perpetrator of the murder on social media. Let's have a look: he spelled the name of Axel Rudakubana wrong (because it has since been officially announced that this is the name of the murderer of the three little girls), and that's why the police picked him up.

But this is just one of many: more than a thousand arrests have been made in connection with the riots that broke out across the country, including a 12-year-old boy in Manchester who kicked a bus and handed a rock to another boy to throw at a hotel converted to accommodate migrants. entrance. The wife of a local conservative MP, who wouldn't care if someone torched these hotels, is said to have called for the same on social media... and who is also now facing trial for it. A 69-year-old retired widow is an even more dangerous criminal than them:

in the midst of the protests in Liverpool, he had a bat (presumably a cricket bat rather than a baseball) and tried to prevent his arrest by whispering it. It finally worked. In fact, since then - in just three days! – the court has already sentenced him to 32 months!

Of course, there is also the crime and legal status of disorderly conduct or agitation against the community, if it is born out of legitimate frustration, or if we happen to sympathize with the cause in the name of which it is committed. And against these, official action may be justified. But on the one hand,

if in Hungary they arrested everyone who, say, demands the hanging of Fidesz on social media, or threatens someone personally for their pro-government views, then the police would be busy 24 hours a day, and in our country the system should be reformed not for migrants, but for prisoners all hotels.

On the other hand, somehow in relation to the George Floyd riots (which spread to the UK) somehow no one was arrested for throwing stones. Of course, it doesn't matter who throws the stone, what color their skin is. There are good and bad stones. Good stone throwers and bad stone throwers. And anyone who would dare to write such a thing in the West would be accused of inciting racial hatred in the same way.

There is no racism whatsoever. The English are not bothered by other people's skin color either. They have been living in a multicultural society for many decades. They are disturbed by the fact that the foreigners pouring into their country do not observe not only their laws, but also the basic social norms, the most elementary expectations of human behavior in general, and they can do so with impunity. The authorities do not act against them, minor crimes have no consequences. Which of course leads to more and more serious crimes. Of course, the Rwandan perpetrator was arrested for the murder, but this is a case of a genie who has long been released from the bottle.

And the behavior of the media is quite outrageous - even though they are just doing their usual thing. They still have pictures to describe such things as "the suspect's former neighbors are shocked and bitter" and that "he was always an introverted boy who lived with his kind and hard-working family" . The same media, from the BBC to the Guardian to the Financial Times, are all demanding social media censorship. Their number one target is Elon Musk, who, according to them, is the biggest threat to democracy because he "allows the spread of disinformation" on the X platform. Let's taste this a little:

journalists are debating it through long columns, demanding that the state must restrict freedom of speech. And the same media is still so successful in brainwashing people that not only are the protesters being called far-right day and night, but also the conservative parties working to save Europe are called far-right even by well-intentioned and thinking people like my mother...

Finally, what is perhaps even more outrageous than the media, or rather more worrying, is the reaction of the authorities. Not only the actions against the demonstrators, the arrests, but also what, for example, Neil Basu, the former head of the anti-terrorism department of the British police, says. According to him, "anti-migration demonstrations should be treated as acts of terrorism."

So if the population is outraged that immigrants commit crimes, now murders (child murders!), that is terrorism. What is not treated as terrorism? The terrorism. The priests with their necks cut, the Jewish women thrown from the floor, the little girls who were stabbed... these are just "isolated cases".

Unfortunately, this is where the West is today. Not only does he voluntarily go under the guillotine or the gas chamber with his head down, but if someone wants to break out of the line and says: "I won't let myself go" , then the cops attack him to make sure he doesn't mess up.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MTI/EPA/Andy Rain