The Chief Censor of the Nation is uncertain. You don't have enough information to judge, so you do anyway. Covertly, sneakily. Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko? Not for me, just for him.

Ildikó Lendvai, the old woman of the communists, the former censor of the state party, the truth-telling shepherdess of the successor party, does not know the facts in the Óbuda corruption case, so she does not judge. Above his own. He did this almost a thousand times when it came to the characters of the opposing side. He didn't even need information for that. He was not uncertain, he had no doubts, only summary judgments.

Ildiko could never be caught in a lie. Because he told me that there would be no gas increase. Can he help that they didn't let him finish the sentence? Had it been left, the full statement would have read:

"I say it slowly so that everyone, even Viktor Orbán, understands: /…/ there will be no residential gas price increase..."

Once. It will be the opposite several times.

In his Facebook post, Lendvai pretends that he does not know whether the Óbuda Ballibs brigade is guilty or innocent, and then immediately pulls a rabbit out of the hat, quoting the case of Gyula Molnár, who was declared innocent by the court after 7 years.

Here is the proof that all the accused are basically innocent. All of them are wonderful people, and more than that, angels full of love and good will. All day they just sit smiling and shining their rightful halo. All their thoughts revolve around the upliftment of the nation and they make all sacrifices for this purpose. What others bring.

Out of love and kindness, they slander the evil conservative government and work to ensure that the cabinet led by the hoofed devil does not receive a single penny of the money that should rightfully belong to our country. They want good, we should not get it, because this could put the Christian course in a difficult situation, which they hope will be swept away by dissatisfaction.

That they are not harming Viktor Orbán, but all Hungarian citizens? Well, yes, but only in their own interest, to free the people from the Fidesz-KDNP dictatorship. A good part of the citizens may be involved in this, but the end justifies the means, and without your sacrifice they have no victory.

Have we wandered off a bit? Seemingly maybe, not a bit actually. We just showed how they think.

The artist from Lendva generously refrains from listing György Humvald, László Varju, Gábor Simon, Csaba Czeglédy, but also András Fekete-Győr, next to the case of Gyula Molnár. Humvald was convicted of embezzlement and fraud, Varjut and FeGyőr were convicted of disorderly conduct, Simon Gábor is still under criminal proceedings, "potom" for 240 million forints worth of currency held in a Viennese bank account of unknown origin and other crimes. Czeglédy was sentenced to a fine in the so-called "Devil's Advocate" case, the case of the school cooperative that defrauded and harmed the students is not yet closed.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

Human memory - especially mine - is quite finite. I could quote many more left-liberal "sticks", of course we can't remember some of them. And on the Internet, you cannot find such a catch-all term as "liberal and Bolshevik criminals". It also just happens to me - even though I lived there for 40 years - that the Kispest scandal has not been clarified to this day, where Csaba Lackner did not recognize himself as he was distributing suspicious white powder and at the same time qualifying those who are not able to raise 100 million annually from the municipality from his coffers. It's as if Kispest has been led by Bolsi since ancient times, isn't it, Ildikó?

Lendvai is a skillful communicator, and he refines his logical leaps into a logical train of thought by presenting them well. He doesn't assert, he only creates an appearance, he satirizes the meager facts into suspicion. It is a fact that, to the shame of the people of Óbuda, László Kiss, who was rightly attacked in many cases, won again in the election. The other fact is that the Óbuda corruption scandal reached the mayor, and he reached the prison cell. After that, Ildikó indicates with an insidious sentence that Fidesz, which was defeated in the election, wants a new election. He does not claim that he had a hand in the arrest of the mayor, he only guesses, since the Fidesz party came up with this right away.

The censors no longer add that if Kiss is still behind bars in October, the Óbuda municipality will become inoperable, and the general assembly will not be able to convene. In other words, calling a new election is primarily in the interest of the district and not of Balázs Bús.

Our Ildiko also explains that:

"...the most serious consequence of the absence of the rule of law is that, due to many other cases, not only the politician, but also the average citizen is distrustful. He is no longer sure: law enforcement pursues crime, and (with all due respect to judges and courts who maintain their professional honor) justice is served. And this is not an individual case of a mayor. This is our common tragedy.”

We can get tired of the silly mantra about the lack of the rule of law, since it was the operation of the rule of law institutional system that led to the III. to expose a district corruption chain. It's true, also for floating the scandal in Kispest. You may be right, however, that there is some mistrust in us when we see that many left-wing misdeeds go unpunished.

There were judges who convicted innocent people after the 2006 police terror. Not the police, not the superiors in command of the terrorist attack, but innocent people to make an example of them according to the old communist practice. Did you protest against the Komcs? Bring you some revenge! Or there is the Budaházy case. Judge György Ignácz sentenced Budaházy to 17 years, even though such a serious sentence is rarely handed down even for murder. The judicial reasoning was also childish, and it was also an explanation free of political nuances. I do not claim that the pronounced verdict was illegal or completely baseless, but it is strange. (Lendvai tactic: I'm not making claims, you're just guessing.)

Leftists handle cases in an interesting way, a very interesting way. If someone accuses a Christian-conservative politician or a well-known personality of something, there is no need for proof, an army of bullies is already ready to demand his head. It is enough if the person parked illegally, the entire government should resign. On the other hand, if one of their people is proven to have committed a crime and the court pronounces this, they immediately call for political persecution and conceptual proceedings.

What am I thinking? For example, that if Zsolt Borkai fails (does he fail? whatever) with an orgy, they immediately demand a quarterback. If, on the other hand, their dog's puppy sends a woman photos of his himbi-limbi, there is nothing wrong with that, it is just political slander. If a video is made of the already mentioned case of Kispest and Csaba Lackner, they see it "blurred through a mirror" and do not recognize the well-recognizable fellow, but they scream out loud, demanding the resignation of Judit Varga and the dismissal of the entire government, even though the Minister of Justice has not yet also made a mistake. They lie about the pedophile-loving government, but they remain silent about the pedophile scandal in Óbuda and do not give a damn about the ephebophile (?!) aberrant pedagogical assistant.

Comrade Supercensor, it is not the mayor's case, but almost all of your cases that is a tragedy. Unfortunately, it is not your tragedy, but ours.

Featured image: MTI/Lajos Soós