As a precedent, the Czech head of state brought up the NATO accession of the former Federal Republic of Germany.

Ukraine's entry into NATO does not have to be a condition of controlling the entire territory of the country fighting against Russian aggression , Czech Republic President Petr Pavel stated in the interview that was published on news portal and the independent Czech left-wing daily Právo on Tuesday. .

As a precedent, the Czech head of state brought up the NATO accession of the former Federal Republic of Germany.

The leaders of the NATO member states promised membership and long-term military support to Ukraine at their July summit in Washington, but the country did not receive a concrete invitation to join NATO.

Petr Pavel expects that Ukraine will negotiate peace with Russia in the coming years. According to the president, the agreement could mean that Moscow would keep the occupied Ukrainian territories under long-term control without democratic countries recognizing the border change.

"I believe that the renewal of control over the entire area is not an essential condition (from the point of view of NATO membership). If some kind of administrative borders are created, then we can recognize these borders as temporary, and Ukraine can be admitted to NATO with the territory it controls at that time." 

Petr Pavel stated in the interview.

The Czech president sees a precedent for this solution in history.


Cover image: Czech President Petr Pavel speaks at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 4, 2023.
MTI/EPA/Julien Warnand