Catastrophe! Scandal! Putinists, Orbánists, fascists! Even the Bulgarians are! Here, here is the result of the UN troops still not entering Hungary for some incomprehensible reason! The Hungarian example cannot be followed by others!

There is a problem with Bulgaria, a very big problem. The reigning government carried it through, and their state president dared to sign legislation aimed at protecting minors despite the admonitions of the great Union. The law contains such blatant evils as it is forbidden in schools to "encourage non-traditional sexual orientation" or "difference from biological sex".

So what kind of infection is this? How profoundly discriminatory is it to forbid uncles with mustaches, beards and skirts to peacefully corrupt the future generation? And how profoundly fascistic is it that you can't get innocent and possibly gender-insecure lurkers to make it a life-long crippling obsession that they weren't born in the right body?

Is it a coincidence that the human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe, Michael O'Flaherty, called on the Bulgarian president not to sign the decree necessary for the law to enter into force? Hardly. The Irish law professor is a champion of minority rights, a leading figure in the distortion of something called European values.

The president signed it anyway! The reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, Putin's pet, Orbán's monkey! The dirt!

Because the LGBTQ aberrants have the right to confuse and push our children and grandchildren into psychological chaos with their disgusting presence and their disgusting productions, as well as their false propaganda (according to which it is not the gender at birth that matters, but what one imagines oneself to be).

But at the same time, parents and grandparents do not have the human right to raise the new generation normally. It's a bad practice. One has the right to everything because he is deviant, the other to nothing because he is normal. A little corruption is not a big deal, and those who raise, take care of, provide for their children, shut their homophobic mouths, because if they don't, the EU O'Flaherty and his beta paste will come.

But don't be surprised, there is nothing to see here! Just as there are no other cases when, by some miracle, the rights of the minority (or even those of the large member states) are to be interpreted differently than those of the undesirable majority or the smaller member states.

If a member state that has signed the Schengen document complies with its provisions and protects its own territory, as well as the territory of the Union, from the invaders who want to invade by force (who are often lied to as refugees in Brussels), somehow the treaty becomes uninteresting and its adherents are chased to death . In spite of the Geneva Convention on Asylum, in spite of the rules of the Schengen zone, those who insist on it will be hit in the head.

If we build a fence to protect the border, it is Nazism itself, but if the Poles do this on their border with Belorussia, it is self-defense and the defense of Europe. Also, if the Spaniards erect a barricade three times as high, a six-meter-high double row of fences on the Spanish-Moroccan border. Yes, the democratic fence! The Austrian gate with side wings is also.

If the Hungarian budget deficit exceeds 3% as a result of covid, then the Russo-Ukrainian war and the idiotic sanctions policy that accompanies it, we will immediately be threatened with infringement proceedings. They have no intention of doing the same in the case of the French or Italians, who produce much larger deficits.

If we want to make transparent the money given from abroad to left-wing patricians, "civilians", and press products, this is a gross interference in the life of "civilian" organizations and a profound violation of press freedom. The same law in the USA - by the way, it has been in force since 1938! – the democratic miracle itself!

If an EU representative - or representatives, including the re-elected president of the Commission - goes down with corruption cases, it does not matter. If Hungary is said to be corrupt without any evidence, that is the truth carved in marble.

If the Polish government in Libsi uses ÁVH methods to liquidate the media it does not like, it is the restoration of democracy, if in our country only those who don't want to kick the government publicly, that is the lack of freedom of the press.

If the conservatives want to organize a conference in Brussels, it is a far-right movement, so it should be banned, if Muslims march up and down demanding the imposition of sharia and the expulsion of Europeans, they can, and even get police protection.

Should I list more? However, this is not a double standard, just a single one. Some have the right to weigh in, others should acknowledge that they have not been dealt a card.

But there is hope. So far, the Hungarians and (after the fall of Poland) the Slovaks have been able to "enjoy" the vileness of their dear European friends, but Bulgaria may also be added to the list of Brussels mobsters in the future.

A few more countries and we will have the majority. Until then, we will protect our borders, protect our children and not go to war. Not even if Ursula and her villainous detachment burst into rage.

So be it.

Opening image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák