The government, in accordance with its previous commitments, will continue the salary increase program for teachers, as a result of which the salary of teachers will reach 80 percent of the average graduate salary next year - the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office announced on Thursday on Kormányinfo, where government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos also announced that in order to facilitate the start of school this year the family support benefits due in September also arrive earlier.

Gergely Gulyás said: at Wednesday's government meeting, the state of education was reviewed in connection with the start of the school year.

He reminded: with this year's increase, the average teacher's salary increased to HUF 670-680 thousand, and a further 21 percent increase is expected from January 1st, and the increase will continue after that, until 2030, since the government has undertaken to keep the average graduate salary at 80 percent. teacher salaries.

He said:

In 2025, according to the currently available data, the average graduate salary in Hungary will be HUF 1,25,000 gross, and accordingly, the average teacher salary will rise to HUF 820,000.

He added: according to very optimistic scenarios, by the end of the cycle, at the beginning of 2027, the teachers' average salary will exceed the HUF one million gross salary.

He emphasized: from the point of view of the future, there is nothing more important than public education, and there is nothing more important than that teachers are valued financially, as this is the path that lays the foundation for future generations to be informed and know a lot about their own country and the world around them .

He added: in addition to financial appreciation, professional appreciation is also important, it is important that everyone recognizes the work that Hungarian teachers do for the sake of the future generation. The beginning of the school year is also an opportunity to thank them for this work, he emphasized.

Government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos reported on the measures with which the government wants to help families when starting school.

He said: in order to reduce the burden on parents and to facilitate the start of school, the family support benefits due in September, the child care support benefit, the child-rearing support and the family allowance will also arrive earlier this year.

Magyar Posta Zrt. will start delivering the benefits on Friday, and the Hungarian State Treasury will also transfer them to the bank accounts of those affected on Friday, so that around 1,100,000 families will receive the family support benefits due in September before the start of the school year.

The government spokesperson also indicated that the government will continue to provide free textbooks for all students participating in public education and vocational training in the current academic year, and will continue to provide free or discounted meals for students living in extended families and those receiving regular child protection discounts through local governments. , for families raising a chronically ill or disabled child.

Introduced by: Kello (Könyvtárellátó Nonprofit Kft.)

In August 2024, approximately 13 million textbooks and 70,000 educational aids will be delivered or have already been delivered to 1.2 million students in 4,100 schools.

The government spokesperson also mentioned that significant digital development has taken place in public education institutions in recent years: so far, nearly 500,000 notebooks have been handed over to grades 5-12. 200 billion forints worth, two hundred smart textbooks were developed and thousands of digital educational contents are provided for students and teachers.

According to his assessment, there has not been such a volume of school development in Hungary for decades as in recent years, and the government will continue this work in the future. He said: in the past five years, 5,680 kindergarten and school developments were started or implemented across the country, and 220 projects are currently underway: 57 new kindergartens, 87 new gymnasiums, 44 classrooms, 31 new schools and one kindergarten development or construction.

Regarding the Erzsébet camps, he indicated: they are now available in all four seasons, during the school year in autumn, during the Advent season and in spring, students can participate in a class trip to Zánka almost for free for a symbolic sum of one thousand forints.

He also drew attention to the fact that KRESZ and language exam support are available to older students: since its introduction in 2018, around 196,000 young people have received KRESZ support, worth HUF 4.9 billion, and more than 187,000 young people have been able to claim back their successful language exams price in the amount of more than HUF 6.5 billion.

He also mentioned that

From September 1, 2024, the state will ensure free of charge the acquisition of the knowledge necessary to obtain a category B driver's license, the basic knowledge of traffic and pass the practical exam for students studying in public education and vocational training.

He emphasized that the government will maintain, protect and, if possible, expand family subsidies, thanks to the tax incentives, more than 4,500 billion forints of extra income remained for families between 2011 and 2023, and youth under the age of 25 are also provided with a social security exemption, so that in addition to school, student work is also more worthwhile for young people.

Gergely Gulyás, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office, reported that a solution to the problem of oil transit is in sight, that there is a good chance that Mol will be able to conclude the appropriate agreements in order not to block crude oil deliveries to Hungary via Ukraine.

According to him, it is

"technically, it will mean that even though the transport will be more expensive, and the risk will be further away from the Russian-Ukrainian border, there is a legal solution that can still ensure" the transport.

We hope that, in the long term, the crude oil supply will be ensured on the line that is at risk from the point of view of transit, he added.

He called it particularly regrettable that the European Commission did not act to protect the member states in this matter either. He added: Neither Hungary nor Slovakia received any support from Brussels, and in fact they see that "Brussels does not give protection to EU members against the behavior of a country outside the European Union that violates the association agreement concluded with the Union" in this matter.

At the same time, he indicated: it seems that energy security can be guaranteed in the long term with these agreements. We hope that as long as the war lasts and as long as energy procurement and supply is one of the most important issues everywhere in Europe, we can guarantee Hungary's oil supply and energy security with this solution, he said.

The minister also announced:

the government asked the minister of justice to examine "how we can enforce some of the costs related to migration in a lawsuit" against the European Commission.

Brussels wants to force at all costs "to let the migrants in", Gergely Gulyás noted, objecting that they are imposing sanctions on Hungary because of the practice of transit zones, while this "good Hungarian practice" was partly adopted by the new refugee convention.

The protection of the Schengen borders is also a common cause that not only serves the security of Hungary, but is important for Europe as a whole. In comparison, Hungary does not have access to the European Union funds that Brussels provides to other countries for the purpose of border protection, explained the minister.

He said: the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice will examine the possibility that if Brussels continues to impose regulations that

does not allow the detention of migrants, then all migrants are offered at the Hungarian border that "after compliance with the European procedure, we will transport them to Brussels voluntarily and free of charge".

"If Brussels wants migrants, it can get them," said the minister, who at the same time expressed the hope that in a lawsuit they would be able to compel the committee to partially bear the burden, and that they would be able to conclude a reasonable agreement as soon as possible after the judgment of the European Court of Justice, "unacceptable, intolerable and unfair" in order to remedy the situation.

He added: if this fails, then "Hungary does not want to pay daily fines indefinitely", but they will allow those who want to get a one-way ticket to Brussels, where they can then "negotiate with the European Commission about their own care".

Gergely Gulyás, Head of the Prime Minister's Office, also expressed his opinion on the Óbuda corruption scandal when asked by M1:

"We are of the opinion that this corruption scandal - which has now shaken Óbuda - supports the fact that the left is full of corruption cases".

The minister reminded, that person was elected in the III. district mayor, who is now in pre-trial detention. He emphasized that the legal process must proceed according to its own order.

"We see that for the time being the parties that nominated him stand by him, neither Gergely Karácsony nor Ferenc Gyurcsány have withdrawn their trust, despite the serious accusations," Gergely Gulyás stressed.


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