Even the relative majority of DK and Tisza voters, 47 percent, object to the Ukrainians' move.

69 percent of Hungarians consider it outrageous that Ukraine wants to limit oil deliveries to Hungary and Slovakia, and 77 percent expect Brussels to mediate between the parties.

Last week, he was re-elected by the Hungarian left, among others

The European Commission has announced that it does not wish to help the affected member states

- the Nézőpont Institute told MTI on Monday.

Explaining their public opinion poll, they wrote that the Ukrainian-Russian war seems to be escalating in August, since Ukraine, which was attacked by the Russians two and a half years ago, launched an offensive against Russian territories in the summer.

Part of the escalation of the war is that

the leadership in Kyiv has announced that it will also partially stop the transportation of Russian crude oil passing through the territory of its country to Hungary and Slovakia.

The measure does not threaten the gas supply of Hungary and Slovakia, but it is quite surprising given the help given by the two countries to Ukraine, they wrote. According to a survey by the Nézőpont Institute, 69 percent of Hungarians consider the sanctions imposed by Ukraine to be unacceptable, while 22 percent of those interviewed consider them acceptable.

Even the relative majority of DK and Tisza voters, 47 percent, object to the Ukrainians' move,

at the same time, the camps of both parties are divided: 39 and 43 percent, respectively, think that the Ukrainian sanction is acceptable. All of this clearly shows the ambivalent attitude of the left and its voting base to the issue of sovereignty.

Moreover, Ukraine's decision represents a unilateral violation of a bilateral international treaty, which, however, did not disturb the Brussels elite, who are sensitive to the rule of law.

It is known that the European Commission decided last week that since the Ukrainian sanction does not harm the energy security of Hungary and Slovakia, Brussels does not plan to mediate between the parties. With this, the committee, which was recently re-elected with the votes of the EP representatives of the DK and the Tisza party, not only violates its contractual obligations, but also fails to meet the expectations of the Hungarian people, they said. When asked whether the European Union should step in to settle the oil transport dispute, 77 percent of Hungarians answered yes and only 16 percent said no, 68 percent of Tisza voters and 58 percent of DK voters also thought so - written by the Viewpoint Institute.

In Hungarian public life, the possibility of Hungary responding to the oil sanctions by withholding electricity supply to Ukraine has also been raised. However, there is currently no overwhelming support for this: 47 percent of Hungarians would consider the response acceptable, 42 percent would not. It is likely that the supply of gasoline from the reserves and the confidence in the Hungarian negotiation efforts also contribute to the fact that the Hungarians are still cautious about the response, but at the same time, in the absence of an agreement, the mood can easily change, and due to the already strong opposition to the Ukrainian sanctions, the response may also gain similar support. - the Nézőpont Institute summarized its survey, whose public opinion poll was conducted on July 29-31. between, it was prepared by interviewing a thousand people by telephone.


Cover photo: MTI/EPA/Serhiy Dolzhenko