In a changing world, our main commandment of the times is to remain Hungarian and Christian, said László Kövér, President of the Parliament, on Sunday at the XXVI. Szentkirály Association Meeting, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county Szentistván.

In his festive speech, the speaker added: all this in order to preserve our sovereign state, protect and pass on our Christian culture, strengthen our national unity and keep the homeliness of our country and homeland.

We must do this on our own, with self-discipline and self-confidence, "in the same way that Saint István and his generation once created everything that we Hungarians today are the responsible guardians of."

added László Kövér.

The President of the National Assembly highlighted that it is important to win the diplomatic battles in "the stormy period of our days" so that Hungary can stay out of the war raging next door, and after a year and a half of struggle, a truce and then peace can follow.

In addition, the political and spiritual battles, which the "wanting to destroy the Western world, St. II. According to the formulation of Pope János Pál, we must fight against the force called the culture of death," László Kövér continued.

He said that the forces of this culture "need not only our material possessions, but also our souls", which is why they want to alienate people from themselves, their families, their religious and national communities.

He added,

"in the spirit of the culture of death, they want to liquidate the nations and the national states meant to protect them". In addition, the culture of death wants to erase the Christian heritage that Jesus handed down to his followers two thousand years ago, and that St. István handed down to Hungarian posterity a thousand years ago.

said the President of the Parliament.

László Kövér put it this way: in the struggle, the western half of Europe and the European Union defined by him will not win. In the middle of 2023, the European reality will be characterized, among other things, by mass illegal migration, social disintegration, violent gender propaganda, the hollowing out of democracy and economic decline, he added.

The President of the Parliament emphasized that as the heirs of Saint Stephen's Hungary

even today we cannot avoid the challenge of protecting our families and our nation, our Christian culture and way of life, and at the same time cooperating with all fellow nations of the Carpathian Basin and Europe to contribute to the victory of the culture of life in Europe as well.

He highlighted

approaching August 20, we must take stock of "King István's work" and his legacy, everything that remained from the Árpád kingdom that survived the civil war times that followed the holy king.

Judit Dobóné Koncz, the independent mayor of Szentistván, said in her welcome that the Saint King's Association was founded more than two decades ago, and the name of almost every settlement among its members refers to King Saint István in some way. They consider the preservation of Hungarianness and traditions, as well as respect for the past, to be their most important task, he added.

He said that he is proud that their settlement bears the name of the king who founded the state. For them, Szentistván is not only a home, but a place

"the value of which, in addition to its deep-rooted history, is given by Matyó's traditions"

he noted.

He emphasized that, in addition to preserving their sense of identity and values, cohesion and helping each other should also be the primary goal of the Szent Király Association, which is why they organize a general meeting of mayors at every meeting. Judit Dobóné Koncz said that she believes and believes that "learning from each other is worthwhile, and helping each other is a human duty".

András Tállai, the parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of Finance, and the region's Fidesz parliamentary representative, also took part in the event.

Heol / MTI