"The devices can be used at any hour, so it would be impractical to constantly put them in and out," they write, going against the government decree published at the beginning of August.

The board of education of Imre Madách High School in Budapest informed parents and students on the institution's website that digital devices will not be taken away from students before class, Mandiner the HVG article . According to the portal, the aim of the faculty is not to ban, but at the same time students must adhere to the rules.

"The pedagogical goal of our school is to educate for the correct use of digital culture, not to ban it. The devices can be used at any time, so it would be impractical to constantly take them in and out," the institution wrote in a statement.

It was emphasized that

the use of mobile phones at school and the limitations of image and sound recording have been included in the institution's policy for a long time.

"Enforcement of this will be stricter. We ask all students not to risk their smart devices being taken away before class with their behavior in class," they added.

decree published at the beginning of August, telecommunications devices - especially mobile phones -, devices capable of recording images or sound, and smart devices capable of accessing the Internet are restricted in use on school days in elementary and public schools, colleges and vocational schools in all grades as of Thursday.

Photo: Giovanna Cornelio / Pixabay

Even a completely switched off smart device distracts us