What a hypocrisy from the nations that have robbed, looted, and siphoned off the world's defenseless so many times, and their former accomplices, who have now rather degenerated into their sycophants - see: Western Europe - that today, pretending to help and sympathize, they are robbing the world again. Written by Róbert Ábrahám.

How lucky the world is that the Anglo-Saxon powers care so much about protecting the weak and taking action against injustice. Although they also have their own troubles, they do not take away the light from the nations of the world, which are stumbling in the dark, but help where they can. Such is this good heart, the Anglo-Saxon heart, which stands above all other beings and beats for all other nations.

Or, as the Ukrainians say, heart full of gold.

Nor about the propaganda film produced for Netflix, where Anglo-Saxon fashionistas are already sitting in Anglo-Saxon-style clothes, about the comedian presenting English humor, flashing his native English, and about the English-speaking audience surrounding him/her.

However, instead of complaining, it would be better to see what the West is doing for Ukraine.

He not only guarantees independence and democracy, and leads the people of Bandera to victory, but also gives them a new language. Your own!

However, this is not just anything. This is also how the French took their language to Africa. Of course, there are those who joke that those peoples were also robbed to such an extent that they learned the language of their robbers, even though the reality is that they just wanted to read François Villon in the original. Now they can! So much so that they cannot take their money to a bank other than a French one, because then there is a high risk of being robbed.

But freedom has a price! Or, as the Ukrainians say, shut the fuck up!

Well, let's get down to the point, why I'm raving about them here. Right, everyone has heard, knows, met him that the former (not anymore lol) colonizers had the fate of Ukraine so close to their hearts that they indebted it for many years, bought it off, and not only interfered in the internal affairs, but practically took over the command completely openly.

And now we are not talking about Majdan, weapons, capital funds, the workers who have already organized the reconstruction in advance, and even recruited workers for the works in Romania in advance.

Nor about the propaganda film produced for Netflix, where Anglo-Saxon fashionistas are already sitting in Anglo-Saxon-style clothes, about the comedian presenting English humor, flashing his native English, and about the English-speaking audience surrounding him/her.

But yes, according to a new law, knowledge of the English language will be mandatory for certain government positions, kindergartens must be taught in English, and cinemas will also show some of the films in English.

Let's just call it what it is! Colonization!

It's not cultural imperialism. Rock hard colonization! As it should be, with a puppet government, cultural occupation, military support, subsidized purchase of land, real estate, and raw materials (read: robbery). And by getting the future generation used to the masters.

Of course, we can say that the Russians and the Chinese are doing the same, but not in Europe, but in Africa, and in their immediate neighborhood, but at least they don't make us pay the costs of their colonization.

So it would be good to stop lying about morality and humanity and talk straight about the fact that the colonizers are experiencing a renaissance! And also about the fact that here in Europe we would have had a chance to raise our voice against all this, but we didn't, because our noble European intelligentsia went to work like a dog used to a bite, and first convinced himself, then us, with his stupid lies.

Either way, life and history-making do not stop, or, as the Ukrainians say, the life goes on.

Pest Boys

Cover photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi
Source: MTI/EPA/Serhiy Dolzhenko