The church leadership took radical steps after the first signs, and the authorities were immediately notified of what had happened. It is also an important fact that, according to international and domestic comparisons, abuse of children occurs much less often in church institutions than in other state and foundation organizations.

Exemplary and extremely serious procedures with the aim of protecting children are taking place in the Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, based on the amendment of the canon law almost three years ago, which was interrupted by two parish priests, confirmed Archbishop Balázs Bábel.

One of the cases has progressed to such an extent that R. Gábor (who was also secularized) is already under arrest and awaiting his first trial, the criminal proceedings in the new case are now starting. The diocese also decided to suspend Father Péter Gergő Bese from his ministry due to his lifestyle incompatible with the priestly vocation. According to information from Pesti Srácok

Church bodies have been investigating Father Bese's case for weeks, regardless of the articles published today in the left-wing press. In his case, there was no abuse of a minor.

The 2021 Vatican amendment to canon law includes much more severe sanctions than before to curb sexual abuse, which allow for more comprehensive and serious investigations. The Diocese of Kalocsai-Kecskemét has also taken several victim protection measures recently.

Among other things, a direct line for reporting abuses was already established in 2019.

The first shocking case, the abuse allegedly committed by R. Gábor Kiskunfélegyháza parish priest, was reported in November 2022. The priest was immediately suspended by the archbishop when the cases came to light, and after the investigation, he was brought before an ecclesiastical court and a police report was filed. Two of the four victims who came into view were under the age of fourteen at the time of the defacement.

According to the investigation materials, most of the cases took place at the parish in Kiskunfélegyháza, where the parish priest lured the boys with various kindnesses and gifts. R. Gábor was a tactician. He got involved in the youth community life of the diocese, organized various leisure groups and taught theology. This is how he attracted young teenage boys, who became frequent guests at the parish.

He singled out neglected children

He made a special effort to choose disadvantaged young people living in difficult financial circumstances, to whom the family paid less attention. He also supported them financially. He established a confidential relationship with the selected boys and maintained daily contact via social media. Through these messages, he tricked them into personal meetings, where at first only more confidential touches and then sexual acts took place.

Sources say that Father Gábor was considered a teacher of excellent ability, committed to children. They were shocked when they heard why the father had disappeared from the ranks of the priests. They say that they could not have imagined that he had such aberrations.

The Archdiocese of Kalocsai-Kecskemét wrote to the inquiry a few weeks ago that the suspicion that he may have committed an act punishable by church law arose for the first time at the end of November 2022, half a year after his transfer from the Kiskunfélegyháza to Jánoshalma. The day after the notification was received, the named person was suspended and the archbishop of the diocese immediately removed him from all ecclesiastical offices.

According to the findings of the preliminary investigation, "since the punishable acts in question are delicts reserved for the Dicastery of theology of the Holy See, i.e. under the jurisdiction of the said office alone, the entire material of the investigation was handed over to the said office" . They continue: "in a letter dated December 15, 2023, the Dicastery informed the diocesan authorities that on September 25, 2023, Pope Francis released the named person from all clerical obligations and rights and dismissed him from his priestly status. With this, the most serious sanction that can be imposed from the ecclesiastical point of view has been established," the statement of the Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Kecskemét states.

They added that during the whole church procedure, the people involved in it received continuous information, so they were also informed about the church sanctions, and their support is provided by the trained staff of the Hope House Spiritual Care and Mental Health Counseling Service in Kecskemét.

Dr. Négyessyné Dr. Marianna Bodó, the spokesperson of the Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor's Office, wrote that the investigation was carried out by the National Investigation Office, and then on April 9 of this year, the Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor's Office was charged with sexual abuse on multiple counts, by abuse of power and influence filed charges at the District Court in Kiskunfélegyháza.

They are asking for eight years for the fallen parish priest

According to the indictment, between 2019 and 2022, R. Gábor committed sexual acts with four minors, two of whom were under 14 at the time of the commission. And the young people at his mercy and under his influence tolerated it. In a so-called moderate motion, the prosecutor's office proposed an 8-year prison sentence with the additional penalty of banning the man from working with minors for the rest of his life. He would have received this as a punishment if he confessed and accepted the offered sentence without a trial. However, at the preparatory meeting held since then, Gábor R. denied it. The first substantive hearing will be held at the end of September.

It is known that in the last year and a half since he has been in prison, he has attempted suicide twice. Since two of Gábor R.'s victims are minors and he committed the sexual abuse by abusing his power, he can expect up to 15 years in prison based on the current, tightened BTK.

He may have ensnared the later victim when he was a little boy

The case of father Róbert, who served in Kecskemét, according to information, fell due to extremely serious sexual abuse several years ago, a few weeks ago. Before his ordination as a priest, the father also served in a commune-like community, where not only church members, i.e. priests and nuns, but also secular people who wish to dedicate their lives to the service of God live with their families. According to the news, he met one of his later victims through this community.

According to sources privy to the proceedings, among the victims is also a youth whom the father ensnared at the age of nine.

Since the priest, who had an extremely gentle nature, was well-respected, the parents were happy to see him do more with their child, even taking him with him on his travels. According to information, the acts lasted for many years and the boy, who is now a young adult, came out to his therapist only a few months ago. After that, a member of the concerned church community obtained information, who immediately reported the accusations to the leadership of the diocese. (We do not know how old the young man was when the priest physically abused him sexually, as we could not get to know the details of the investigation to this extent.)

The left-wing discrediting begins, even though the archbishop took immediate action

Archbishop Balázs Bábel, as in the case of R. Gábor, suspended Father Róbert with immediate effect and ordered a comprehensive investigation, which is still ongoing. Our church sources speak of a total of five victims, four of whom came close to the priest during a church service in the area of ​​the diocese.

The diocese wrote: "on the 16th of the current month, the report arrived at their office, based on which an investigation into the child protection case was started immediately, according to the applicable church law and the relevant Holy See provisions. The purpose of the investigation is to establish possible liability according to canon law. Until the investigation is concluded, the reported person is entitled to the presumption of innocence according to both state and church laws. After the conclusion of the investigation, the Archdiocese will decide on taking further necessary steps in accordance with the laws in force, and will take them without delay." As far as we know, Father Róbert's case has already been reported to the secular authorities. The Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor's Office sent it to the National Bureau of Investigation for investigation.

PestiSrá has been dealing with the above cases for months and is working on a series of fact-finding reports, in which I want to show not only how, contrary to some beliefs, how harsh the Catholic Church is in such cases, but also what they go through spiritually and how they become victims in general vulnerable children. 

Gergő Bese's announcement: I made a mistake...

Although an anti-Church, left-wing media campaign is certainly being launched due to the newly launched criminal proceedings, in reality it is very horrible, but

these are isolated cases where the church leadership took radical steps after the first signs, and the authorities were immediately notified of what happened. It is also an important fact that, according to international and domestic comparisons, abuse of children occurs much less often in church institutions than in other state and foundation organizations.

Father Gergő Bese drank wine and could preach water

The case of Father Péter Gergő Bese, who moves at home in right-wing conservative circles, is completely different. The Hungarian Catholic Church is proceeding against the Dunavec parish priest, who is also under the supervision of the Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, because, based on the evidence presented, he could have led a double life, maintained homosexual relationships and attended orgies. There was no abuse of minors in this procedure, but at the same time, Archbishop Balázs Bábel's announcement today states that "Péter Bese Gergő was suspended from his priestly service with effect from September 6, 2024." The parish priest involved in the scandal has repeatedly spoken out against the rise of the LGBTQ lobby, most recently he vehemently criticized the opening of the Paris Olympics.


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