Former President Katalin Novák announced on X that she has a new job.

From now on, Novák will be the CEO of the non-profit X·Y Worldwide and will work to increase the number of births worldwide.

The organization basically provides public policy advice to world leaders so that they can develop workable solutions and sustainable strategies to avoid a collapse in birth rates. According to Novák, the company primarily wants to overcome the socio-social and cultural barriers that stand in the way of having children, reports

The former president of the republic emphasizes that they want to make the world better understand the concept called Unplanned Childlessness.

The former president of the republic explained it during the post, in the organization's strategy

they focus primarily on people and the socio-economic and cultural barriers that prevent individuals from realizing their ambitions to start a family.

"By raising awareness of the risks of unplanned childlessness and challenging misleading narratives about overpopulation and fertility, XY Worldwide empowers individuals and couples to make informed decisions about parenthood for generations to come," explained Katalin Novák.

Cover photo: Katalin Novák Facebook