What is the advantage of the right over the left? In his video post, Viktor Orbán shared new details from his speech in Kötcs.

Viktor Orbán shared another detail from his speech in Kötcsi:

"There are two futures, either a bad future or a good future." And the competition of the future must be won. We have a claim about what our governance results in. Our contention is that

our governance will result in the one sovereign Hungary. Economic neutrality is one of the strongest supports for this.

And we have a picture of what will happen if the other future wins. The end of that will be a subordinate Hungary, because the left-wing guys are taken for granted. Two things they say are not a neutral economy, not independence, but joining some bloc.

I think the greatest virtue, value and advantage of the right, an inestimable advantage over the left, is loyalty.

We never promised people that we would solve all their problems. We never promised to redeem them. We promised one thing that we would be here with them.

"If it's windy or raining, we'll be here with them." We don't sit in Brussels, we don't run off to Moscow, we don't go on an American scholarship, we will be here, this is our greatest virtue. The Hungarian people can know exactly

you can always count on us, we don't run away, we don't look for separate ways.

We will stay here. This is our mission. The prerequisite for this mission, and the fulfillment of the mission, is election victory over and over again, modesty, humility, and work - emphasized the Prime Minister in his speech in Kötcsi.

You can view the Prime Minister's post here:

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