The Prime Minister does not count on financial help from Brussels, we can only count on ourselves. There is nothing surprising in this, just another black mark for the Ursulas.

Viktor Orbán said on the morning Flood Info: "We have hopes that the price on the Danube will drop earlier, but we still have to go through five difficult days."

Defense is taking place on a 755-kilometer section of the Danube and, as he said,

we have already achieved our first victory, as the water has receded by one meter in one of the most dangerous areas, Szigetköz.

He indicated that in several places the flood fell short of the 2013 record, the water level in the capital is expected to be 59 centimeters lower, meaning that the forecast of the water department was accurate.

He believed that the release of the wharf is expected at the beginning of next week , one or two days earlier than planned. The number of people participating in the defense also changed, an additional 170 people were mobilized from the water department, 900 soldiers are now needed, and many of them marched south with the water.

The Prime Minister also spoke about what happened on Pilismarót, where the embankment slipped and after a 16-hour struggle with divers, the embankment was held. At Vác, the sewage manholes broke, but luckily it didn't cause any problems, the specialists "caught it". There are new priority locations, such as Ercsi, where readiness is 100 percent, with 1,400 sandbags, but they are also paying attention to Kisapostag, Dunaföldvár and Paks.

The prime minister asked everyone to

if you don't have to, don't go out to the Danube bank to see the summit, because that could hinder the defense.

In response to a journalist's question, he also touched on the financial assistance that might be expected from Brussels. Referring to our historical experience, he stated that we can only rely on ourselves in times of trouble. And the fact that one day someone from somewhere, a woman named Ursula or the European Commission might send money, is like a dog's dinner, and when we see it, we believe it.

Title image: news tv screenshot