One of the largest family organizations in the country cannot ignore what happened yesterday at the ARC exhibition.
"During yesterday, the ARC exhibition "You are a mother, don't complain!" was glued to Dúró Dóra. his billboard citing anti-family propaganda. But who is right? To the creator of the picture or to Dóra Dúro? I think for both and neither," writes Nóra Király, founder of the Ficsak - Young Families Club, in her Facebook post
"Currently, we live in a world where only the beautiful and the good can be posted on Facebook and Instagram, but we cannot talk about possible difficulties in raising children, because then we are not good parents, we are immediately stigmatized. As a mother of five children and the leader of one of the largest family organizations in the country, I know that there is no greater treasure in life than children. However, raising children, especially for new mothers, is not always easy.
If it were possible to talk about difficulties without taboos, far fewer young mothers would experience postpartum depression, since they would know that they are not doing anything wrong and will quickly settle into motherhood.
Dóra Dúró is not right, because with the pasting, he showed an example of exactly what the poster is fighting against.
Dóra Dúró is right, because the negative things on the poster are overwritten a thousand times by everything that the child gives, and this does not appear anywhere on the creative.
The creator of the picture is right, because the difficulties also need to be discussed, a platform is needed where mothers can say that not all moments of raising children are Instagram-compatible. You can't always smile, but that doesn't make you a bad mother.
The creator of the picture is not right, because he presents the problems in an extreme, one-sided, almost knife-wieldingly negative style, while slyly not mentioning the good things - of which there are a million times more. The ARC exhibition is also visited by young people, it is a compulsory school program in some educational institutions, and this can cause trauma and deter young people from later starting a family.
Yes, sometimes mothers are sleepless, their hands hurt, and they don't have time to eat, but these are immediately forgotten when the meaning of their lives is taken in their hands and embraced.
I am therefore asking Mayor Dr. Imre László (if he has already spent nearly twenty million HUF on this event from the money of the residents of Újbuda) and the organizers of the ARC to place the two posters - the original and the pasted one - next to each other. First, the negative poster and next to it the version made by Dóra Dúró, which shows the beauty of having a child.
Because although there are difficulties in the lives of mothers, in the end love always wins, which "glues over" the problems," Nóra Király said in her post.
Source: Hungarian Nation
Cover photo: Nóra Király Facebook