We look forward to seeing what kind of magic Donald Tusk will come up with.

The Polish government will present a new migration strategy on Tuesday, one of the main elements of which will be the temporary regional suspension of the right to asylum, Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced at the convention of the leading Polish government force, the Civic Coalition (KO), on Saturday.

The Prime Minister emphasized:

the state must gain 100% control over who can enter Poland.

The government will demand the adoption of a temporary regional suspension of the right of asylum in Europe, because "it is well known how Lukashenka and Putin (Belarusian and Russian presidents), human smugglers and human traffickers abuse this right, how they use it against the very essence of the right of asylum," he said. "We will not accept or introduce any European or EU idea if we are convinced that it affects our security," Tusk promised. "The state exists so that those who want to work honestly, pay taxes, integrate into Polish society and study in appropriate educational institutions can enter Poland," the prime minister emphasized.

Poland has fallen

Viktor Orbán: Only those migrants who are not allowed in will not stay here

An interesting thing about Tusk's decision is that Viktor Orbán, whom he criticized a lot, made a very similar statement a few days earlier. As the readers of Mandiner may remember, the Hungarian Prime Minister stated in his speech in Strasbourg: "only those migrants who are not allowed in will not stay here".

In relation to migration, the Prime Minister also expressed a firm position in Strasbourg, according to which "until we can agree that whoever wants to enter the territory of the Union must stop at the borders of the Union, submit the request for entry, and until has been judged positively, until then he cannot enter the territory of the Union. If we cannot achieve this, we will never be able to stop the migration. This is the only option. Hungary is being punished today precisely because it is doing this" .

The prime minister emphasized: since 2015, he has had the same position regarding migration, which can be maintained in only one way: with an external hotspot. "Once someone has entered the territory of the Union, they are already inside and have rights," he added. According to Viktor Orbán, even if the migrant does not get permission to stay, he will never leave the territory of the European Union. The Prime Minister does not know of any government that would forcibly round up such people and transport them outside the EU.

In the speech mentioned above, Tusk claimed that "Poland was flooded with a wave of illegal migration" as a result of the policy of the previous government led by the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party.

We will limit illegal immigration in Poland to a minimum"

he declared.

At the convention of the leading Polish government, Tusk took stock of the year that had passed since last October's parliamentary elections. As he said, "Poland got Europe back, and Europe got Poland back" . Poland thus recovered several billion zlotys - he pointed out that the European Commission lifted the suspension of payments to Warsaw from the EU recovery fund. According to Tusk, the current government has done a more efficient job and achieved more in the last eight months than in the eight years of PiS rule.


Featured image: Euronews