The new assembly of György Sepsiszent, established on Monday, is made up exclusively of local government representatives elected in the colors of the Romanian Hungarian Democratic Union (RMDSZ). Maszol news portal reported .

In the seat of Kovászna County, it was the first time that the representatives of the smaller Hungarian and Romanian parties did not get into the board, so the local government is made up exclusively of RMDSZ representatives.

At Monday's bargaining session, Mayor Árpád Antal took the oath of office and emphasized in his inauguration speech that the association will not abuse the situation. " In the past 16 years, we have been in the minority, we have had two-thirds, three-quarters and four-fifths, but we have always been able to make decisions soberly and carefully - we have not abused and will not abuse our current absolute majority," Maszol quoted the leader as saying.

The mayor reminded: he has been at the head of the city of Triszék since he was 33 years old, which for him is " the most beautiful task". He called it touching that 83 percent of the residents voted for him in the local elections in Romania on June 9. He pointed out: the municipality of Sepsiszentgyörgy "leads the way " and always undertakes more, thus setting an example for other settlements.

He named Sepsiszentgyörgy the most livable city of 50,000 inhabitants in East-Central Europe, where there is order, predictability, good services, good life, security and peace.

Among the plans implemented so far, he mentioned the completion of the international airport in Brasov, the creation of which was also supported by the Székelyföld municipalities, the opening of the diversion road last week, the renovation of Főtér, the new sports facilities, and he praised the active cultural and sports life that characterizes the city.

At the inaugural meeting of the 21-member Sepsiszentgyörgy assembly on Monday, the elected municipal representatives also took the oath of office.


Cover photo: Árpád Antal | Photo: Kristó-Gothárd Hunor /