The RMDSZ has no secret intention to return to the government position.

The parliamentary elections will reveal the direction in which Romania is moving forward and what will happen to the Hungarian community in the next decade, which is why it is necessary for the Hungarians in Romania to participate in the elections as much as possible, said János Lázár in Cluj-Napoca. On Wednesday, the Minister of Construction and Transport of Hungary held a joint press conference with Csoma Botond, the representative candidate for the County of Kolozs of the RMDSZ.

Csoma Botond emphasized that the RMDSZ achieved a good result in the summer elections, and he is confident that this will be the case in the future.

"It is our undisclosed intention to return to the government after the parliamentary elections. As long as RMDSZ was in government, common sense was also in government. Since then, there has been a lot of improvisation, quarrels and measures that do not serve the interests of the citizens," explained the representative candidate for RMDSZ's Cluj County.

As he said, the RMDSZ deals on the one hand with ethnic politics and Hungarian affairs, and on the other hand with issues that affect the affairs of Romania.

"Currently, the relationship between the state and citizens is complicated, citizens do not trust the state. This is not surprising, since the quality of services has decreased to such a level that they are no longer reliable, and the state does not support the skilled, but the skilled. In the case of healthcare, the focus is not on the patient, and often not on the student in the case of education. We also want the tax system to support people who pay their taxes fairly, so we envision a state that respects citizens," explained Csoma Botond.

He also pointed out that the administrative reform package of the Save Romania Association (USR) is unprofessional,

the first drafts of which have already been submitted to parliament, and which would slim down the state by drastically reducing the number of municipalities. According to Csoma Botond, they didn't even conduct any kind of study, they don't even have any research on it, they only "threw it in because of the campaign. The USR wants to carry out reforms without talking about real problems," he detailed.

János Lázár said there were two reasons why he visited Cluj. On the one hand, to commemorate the Transylvanian victims of the '56 revolution, and on the other hand, to support the RMDSZ in the campaign.

He explained that the RMDSZ achieved its best election result in the last 20 years in the local government and European Parliament elections, but the question is how the association will fare in the big political struggle in the fall.

"It is necessary for the Hungarians in Romania to participate in the parliamentary elections as much as possible, since the stakes are much higher: on the one hand, in which direction Romania will move forward, and on the other hand, what will happen to the Hungarian community in the coming years," he said.

He believes that when the RMDSZ was in government, it had three major positive consequences: the settlements and regions where Hungarians live flourished, the problems of Hungarians were put on the agenda, and the Hungarian-Romanian government cooperation also strengthened.

He said about the presidential election, RMDSZ has a brave, honest and talented candidate in the person of Kelemen Hunor.

"In Hungary, we are very proud that one of the most prepared Hungarian politicians of today's generation of Hungarian politicians is a presidential candidate. He has experience, stands his ground in Romanian politics and represents common sense," explained János Lázár.

Speaking about the Romanian-Hungarian relationship, he emphasized that Hungary is committed to Romania becoming a full Schengen member, and at the same time, as Minister of Transport, they are working hard to ensure that there are connections between the two countries in as many places as possible - with the cooperative attitude of the Romanian Ministry.

Cover photo: János Lázár and Csoma Botond
Source: Facebook/János Lázár