Fidesz MEPs are determined to draw attention to the fact that illegal migration poses a threat to European people, destroys Europe and Schengen free movement.

The bad EU migration pact should not be implemented, but thrown out, and the penalties imposed on Hungary due to stopping migration should be stopped - stated Gál Kinga, the president of the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament (EP) delegation, the Patriots for Europe faction first vice-president in Strasbourg, at the international press conference of the Patriots on Wednesday.

Kinga Gál emphasized that one of the biggest mistakes of the outgoing European Commission was the imposition of the EU migration pact. The pact imposes old, bad solutions, it is not part of the solution, but the problem itself, he declared.

Mass illegal migration poses a threat to European people, destroys Europe and Schengen free movement, he called attention.

Radical change is needed, declared the Fidesz politician. It must be said:

external border protection takes priority, asylum applications must be assessed outside Europe,

cooperation must be established with the countries of origin and transit of migration, and the effective return of those without the right to stay in the EU is necessary, he added.

Hungary was the first member state to draw attention to the danger and unsustainability of mass illegal migration in 2015, he reminded.

"Since then, we have been saying and giving suggestions on how to strengthen and control external borders and stop illegal immigration. We don't just say this, we also implemented it effectively," he said.

He called it unacceptable and scandalous that, even though the leaders of more and more member states are demanding stricter action against migration and stricter controls at the EU borders, the European Commission is severely punishing Hungary for protecting the EU borders. It is also unacceptable that Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Matteo Salvini, leader of the League party and former Minister of the Interior, is being threatened with a six-year prison sentence, he said.

The hypocritical attitude of the European Union and the Brussels bureaucracy to migration is destroying European cooperation. It is necessary to ensure that the member states stay out of the faulty migration policy, Kinga Gál added.

Tamás Deutsch, the leader of the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament group, reminded at the press conference that the European Parliament's plenary session decided on its position regarding the 2025 EU budget on Wednesday.

We wanted to create an EU budget that primarily serves peace, stopping illegal migration and strengthening national sovereignty, he said.

The Fidesz politician emphasized: the amendment proposals of the Patriots would have provided the union with an effective tool for stopping illegal migration, for external border protection, including the procurement of technical border protection equipment, and the construction and maintenance of border fences.

The Patriots also suggested that the EU should increase the funds available for the Erasmus and Horizon programs, and that it should not spend significant resources on propaganda tools that serve no other purpose than "gender ideological madness", the ideological exaggerations of the woke, and the Member States support for actions limiting its sovereignty.

If all of this had been accepted by the European Parliament, a completely different timeline could have started in the life of the European Union, he pointed out.

He also pointed out that the whole of the Patriots faction supported the amending proposal that the EU development funds withheld until now due to open political blackmail against Hungary should be immediately paid by the European Commission, as well as that the funds due to Hungary by law should not be used for other programs or other cannot be used to support countries.

Instead of stopping illegal migration, next year's EU budget remained an incentive for migration and a limitation of national sovereignty, he said, adding that the Patriots' faction therefore voted no on the 2025 EU budget.

In the debate on the budget proposal of the European Parliament, the position of the Patriots is clear: an EU budget that strengthens peace, stopping illegal migration and sovereignty is needed, Tamás Deutsch added.


Cover photo: Gál Kinga, president of the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament group, vice-president of the Patriots for Europe faction at the faction's press conference in Strasbourg. Next to him are Jean-Paul Garraud, MEP representative of the French National Consolidation (b) and Harald Vilimsky, leader of the European Parliament list of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ).
Source: MTI/Tamás Purger