Late on Sunday afternoon, Miskolc also drew attention to the situation in Székelyföld by lighting a guard fire. 

According to the 2015 decision of the Székely National Council, the last Sunday of October is the Day of Székely Autonomy. At that time, watch fires and candlesticks are lit in many locations throughout Transylvania and in solidarity in Hungary as well.

In the spirit of this, the Civil Unity Forum (CÖF) Club Miskolc, together with the Életfa Social and Environmental Culture Foundation, the Életműtárs Art and Civics Association, and the Circle of Versbarátok Foundation, placed its symbolic bonfire on Kalvária hill this year as well - mg wrote.

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Photo: László Mocsári /

The organizers invited those interested and those committed to the cause to a meeting at 4:00 p.m. - expressing their "togetherness and common will". Attila Lengyel, at the fire-lighting held for the fourth time at the county seat of Borsod, said: the Székely people are part of, and even pledged to, the Hungarian nation.

The honorary president of the CÖF Klub Miskolc emphasized: even more than a hundred years after the Trianon peace decree, we still need to talk about "at least the autonomy" of the Hungarian territories beyond the border; at the same time, he expressed his gratitude to István László Vass , who is currently in Transylvania, for helping to light the guard fire here for years.

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Photo: László Mocsári /

Ferenc Juhász , parish priest of the Church of the Holy Spirit, pointed out that the idea of ​​belonging and autonomy is not directed against the surrounding peoples. Katalin Ferenczyné Lendeczky also believed that the self-determination of the Hungarians living in Romania should be achieved through peace and the means of law, and then, following the words of Count  István Bethlen,

 Sándor Julianna Reményik Asztalos "How it can be" he recited his poem to those present, among whom were parliament member János Kiss András Hollósy , and Erzsébet Kavecsánszki and Gábor Bajusz .

Cover photo: László Mocsári /