The news came in a serious anonymous e-mail, just as it did against József Pelikán, the dam guard, when he committed illegal pig slaughtering. It was also a serious, typewritten anonymous report.

I read that MÚOSZ (National Association of Hungarian Journalists) stands up for Magyar Hang. I originally didn't want to read it, because I know the organization's liberal-Bolshevik mentality, but I forgot to delete the news from my e-mail account and now, during the New Year's "cleaning", I saw it again. This time - knowing what has happened since then - I still read it and was not disappointed. This squad has not changed anything.

For those who don't know what it's about, here it is in a nutshell: Magyar Hang, based on an "anonymous whistleblower" , claimed that the plane of Bashar al-Assad, who had fled Syria, landed in Hungary, and to make the statement seem more authentic, a photo was attached to the article. It's true that it's an old photo, and it wasn't even taken by us, but somehow they "forgot" to indicate, which all serious authorities do, that "Our photo is an illustration".

I can neither confirm nor deny it, but I have a feeling that the case of a deliberate mistake cannot be ruled out either...

Magyar Hang's mea culpa was not left behind (this is the least that a portal that spreads fake news should do), but after that came the soap opera. Because right:

"A single serious professional error cannot destroy an authentic paper".

True, not an authentic paper. But since when is Magyar Hang authentic? I'll tell you: since he's been anti-government. For MÚOSZ, this is a value measure of authenticity. And it hasn't been like this since yesterday.

When will the officials of MÚOSZ take up their stance in favor of the press workers? Of course, if the person or organization to be protected is "their dog's puppy" . They proudly shook their virtual fists - I rightly point out - when Péter, who lied to the Magyars, started listing the employees of ATV according to their religious affiliation, but they did not say a single click when the same scoundrel incited his mob against conservative journalists, or when Manfred Weber threw the Hír TV reporter out of the restaurant. chick.

I had enough of MÚOSZ, I left the organization when in 2004 the deep-rooted communist, former editor-in-chief of Népszabadság, Pál Eötvös, was elected president. The man under whose influence a forged letter by László Zeley, written in the name of the deceased nuclear scientist Ede Teller, was published in the newspaper, which defamed Fidesz, which was in opposition at the time. Now what kind of organization is it that is led by an ethically unacceptable figure?

I, an eternal optimist, assumed that MÚOSZ would over time shed its communist and neoliberal (the two are almost the same) features and become an independent organization, thanks to the young Turks, the new generation of press workers. I couldn't have been more wrong.

The successors are perhaps even wilder Bolsheviks than their predecessors,

and we say that a regime change has taken place, that the supporters of the one-party system have been replaced by real democrats. A freak!

But how could I have been so naive as to hope for change? The young journalists learn from their "great predecessors" in whose eyes - since they entered the "new system" with a Bolshevik outlook - conservatism is equal to Nazism, the Christian outlook is equal to "clerical reaction", and traditional values ​​are congealed backwardness. This is what they learned and were taught.

And there are not many new, Christian-conservative supplies. How could it come? For that, education and training with a national approach would be necessary, but a good number of teachers do not represent this either.

This was also shown in the fact that the students were dragged to anti-government demonstrations, in defiance of the basic rule that the school should not be an arena for politics. But the approach can also be seen in what is taught - and what is not taught. The process continues in secondary schools and is completed in universities and colleges. Knowing this, we should not expect the young people who end up becoming journalists to become fighters for conservative ideas.

It was like this long before. A single, but all the more eloquent, example: we are writing 2012, and the radio is still operating in Bródy Sándor Street, where media students from the neighboring Pázmány Péter Catholic University (maybe it was called that, maybe something else) went on a professional internship. Once again: Catholic!!! University. I wonder what these Christian (???) students said? That

it is embarrassing for them to learn on the "pro-government public radio", because there may be a change of government and then they will be at a disadvantage.

Of course, they said even more numbers than this, but this is not the subject of this article.

Is it any wonder that MÚOSZ has sunk to the point where it has turned into a big supporter of the liberal Bolshevik (globalist) side and an enemy of the conservative government? Is it any wonder that he is the guardian and protector of the extremely anti-government, fake news producer Magyar Hang? Is it any wonder that the notoriously unreliable organ is being lied to as authentic? MÚOSZ mentions a political attack, which they say is unacceptable, since Magyar Hang took down the ominous fake news and apologized for publishing it.

Well, everything is fine then, let's share, there's nothing to see here.

The situation would be different if one of the pro-government media made the same mistake, because then the MÚOSZ would scream and demand that there be retaliation, that heads fall, that the organ spreading fake news be abolished and even that its memory be erased from the annals. Then the error would turn into a deliberate falsification of news, which is clearly proven by the published fake photo.

In the case of Magyar Hang, the forgery is just a mistake, and the photograph is not even mentioned. In any case, the news came in a serious anonymous e-mail, just as it did against József Pelikán, the dam guard, when he committed illegal pig slaughtering. It was also a serious, typewritten anonymous report.

I thank the Creator that he enlightened me in 2004 and that I left this company in time. In my exit statement, I put it this way: under the previous (Fidesz) government, they shouted too loudly, and under the current (leftist) government, they remain silent too loudly.

I see that today is no different.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Magyar Hang editorial office. Photo: Magyar Hang / YouTube