Mind stops! Can this be? - we asked in our article yesterday , when it turned out that while the coronavirus is spreading faster than ever in Hungary, the Capital City Municipality is inviting the people of Budapest to a party.
The Budapest Portal read the invitation according to which the capital will hold its programs planned for the anniversary of the 1848-49 revolution and freedom struggle. In Thursday's announcement, it was also stated that those interested will be waiting for a poster exhibition, a telephone treasure hunt game and a nostalgia tram from March 13 to 15. between. It was said that the Chain Bridge will be closed to car traffic for the three-day weekend and will only be used on foot, which also gives you the opportunity to say "goodbye", because from March 17 until the end of the renovation, you will not be able to walk across the bridge. It was also a spicy idea (?) that on the flights of the BKK, the students of the SZFE read out the quotes related to the 1848-49 revolution and freedom struggle by János Arany and István Széchenyi.

It is not yet known whether Gergely Karácsony will renounce the latter, or whether he will save it for later, but in any case, the idea was followed by a huge indignation. The only reason we do not quote from comments published online is because virtual printing ink would not be able to handle most of the markers.

The mayor himself could have seen that this plan failed, but he is not that person. The Budapest Portal reported, referring to the suggestion of the head of the National Operative Tribe , that the opening of the lower wharf in Pest and the Chain Bridge will not be opened during the long weekend. However, they only wanted to do good, since "the capital only wanted to increase the number of usable public spaces by opening the lower wharf in Pest to pedestrian and bicycle traffic," stated the Press Relations Group.

They continue as follows: "In accordance with the initiative of the Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér, the opening of the lower wharf in Pest and the Chain Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists will not be possible, only car traffic will be allowed to travel there. The program elements that match the opening of the quay and the Chain Bridge, and also comply with the aspects of protection against the epidemic, will be implemented by the Metropolitan Municipality partly online and partly at a later date.