One of the central topics these days is shoving the term "rainbow family" down the throats of Hungarians.

It should not be allowed that the rainbow and family - just like, for example, the gay - are dragged into the wash of the gender concept circle, which now includes nearly 100 types of gender identity (in some cases, perversion)! After all , both the rainbow and the family are old transcendental Hungarian words and concepts that deserve protection.

The rainbow is one of the most beautiful biblical symbols, which has been a reminder of the holy covenant between God and man since the Flood. Therefore, to include the rainbow in the description of sexual orientations indicated by the collective noun gender (deeply rejected in the Judeo-Christian cultural circle) is blasphemy on the same level as posing as a reverend in a homosexual parade, i.e. unacceptable and scandalous for a sane person.

the family is defined by the Basic Law aimed at the survival of the Hungarian nation as the form of coexistence consisting of a man and a woman, as well as children born from a love relationship that has been protected and sanctified all over the world for thousands of years, and which must be sharply demarcated by all from other forms of coexistence. Everyone decides for themselves whether to accept or reject the "ordained by God" (i.e. praised as an independent sacrament in several religions) traditional way of living together as a family. The decision is free, and anyone who rejects the traditional family model can feel comfortable with their partner from any segment of the LGBTQ spectrum in an "ultraliberal" value system, as long as they do not practice this act of rejection publicly.

But in this area there is no room for copying, you have to choose! Or the one defined above, a man plus a woman-based family (going back to Adam and Eve), or anything else from the gender palette. Since this decision is yes or no, i.e. binary, the choice of gender naturally precludes anyone from calling a relationship based on an LGBTQ background a family. Not only because the traditional family means the commitment of the parties until death (which, even in today's fast-paced world, usually means 10-20 years), while according to statistics, a gender bond is hardly longer than 3-5 years...

... Summarizing the above, I believe that the "rainbow family" clause should be forgotten as a matter of urgency, so that it does not further poison the public consciousness by twisting and muddying our sacred concepts. And if it is absolutely not possible to relegate LGBTQ relationships to the privacy of bedrooms, I think the best term to describe matters falling under this term would be "gender bond", which is certainly not exclusionary or humiliating for anyone. In it, the gender prefix indicates LGBTQ status, while the bond suffix (similar to the expressions bond-flying or bond-jumping) represents the equal belonging of the participating parties. But it obviously follows from all this that in such a system the participation of actors of a different quality is by definition excluded! In the same way that a jet plane cannot fly in a helicopter group, neither can a juvenile child be present in the group of an adult gender couple, who would rather be in a well-endowed, consolidated professional foster family a hundred times over!