Unknown persons attacked the website of the Three Princes, Three Princesses association. A so-called DDOS attack was launched against it from 20 different IP addresses, the purpose of which was to make the website's server unable to handle the load and the website becoming unavailable.

Why did all this happen? Just because the organization published a statement about how important it is to have children. It was signed by five hundred people in three days, well-known personalities such as Franciscan monk Csaba Böjte neurosurgeon András Csókay comedian Péter András Kovács Zsolt Prieger , frontman of Anima Sound System, Ágnes Szalóki , clinical psychologist Emőke Bagdy , as well as Katalin Novák, minister without portfolio responsible for families, and Gergely Karácsony , mayor of Budapest.

It is difficult to find an appropriate epithet for this vile attack. The problem with us is that we had a children's room and our parents did not prepare us for the fight against the invisible enemy. Unfortunately, not even for the fight against the visible ones.

the petition here.