Marlène Schiappa asks imams in France to promote homosexuality

Marlène Schiappa, the French minister responsible for citizenship affairs, asks the imams who signed the French Charter of Islamic Principles to include the right to sexual freedom in their sermons from now on. According to Schiappa, imams have the task of getting Muslims to accept same-sex marriage.

Marlène Schiappa's statements provoked an immediate protest among Muslim believers and imams in France. Chems-eddine Hafiz , rector of the Great Mosque of Paris , although the text of the charter rejects discrimination based on sexual orientation, it does not oblige its signatories to take a stand in favor of homosexual marriages.

The Charter of Islamic Principles in France was recently developed jointly by the French government and the Council of French Muslims (CFCM) in order for the signatories to commit to respecting the values ​​of the French Republic while practicing their Muslim faith without disturbance.

However, the promotion of same-sex relationships does not fit into the practice of faith. Homosexuality in Sharia is not only a sin, but a crime against Allah that entails punishment.

If the minister doesn't even know that much about Islam, it's a big problem...
