According to the proverb of Latin origin, nomen est omen, i.e. the name qualifies.

Well, if this is the case in many cases, this is certainly not the case with Frank Engel For him, nomen is not omen. On the contrary, it's a "pseudonym" at most - but a corrupt person always tries to appear "angelic" in front of the great.

Mr. "Angyal" was reported by none other than his own party colleagues on suspicion of corruption and fictitious employment, according to which he borrowed 42,000 euros from a non-profit (!) organization over the course of seven months, without actually working.

Mr. Angel had no choice but to leave. He brought shame to his party, which professes Christian principles, and according to the leader of the party's faction, Martine Hansen , he put his party in an impossible situation. Of course, Hansen is right about this, but perhaps it is even more important that Engel has made himself the moral zero , and the credibility of his political career so far is also called into question, even annulled.

But what would we care about the depravity and immorality of a Luxembourg politician, if we did not know that he also belongs to the long line of EU politicians who attack the Orbán government "professionally", using the usual adjectives - anti-democratic, racist, autocrat, etc. . – in addition to accusations of corruption...

And the sky is not falling here.

A robber calls a thief - Mr. Angel is just a little corrupt (Source: Facebook)

Let's note: the very un-angelic Mr. (Mr.?) Engel is the veterinary horse of those EU "mainstream" - i.e. left-liberal and pro-Soros - politicians and representatives, who for many years baselessly and hatefully attacked/are attacking Hungary in a well-thought-out , according to a conscious script. Shall I list the names? Past and present: Lui Tavares, Judit Sargentini, Ulrike Lunacek, Frans Timmermanns, Margarethe Vestager, Katarina Barley, Didier Reynders, Ylva Johansson, Helena Dalli, Lopez Aquilar, Guy Verhofstadt, Vera Jourova and so on until the sun goes down .

One part of these people is driven by a blind ideological hatred towards Hungary (and Poland), while another part of them is simply a well-paid, controlled political actor, a member of the globalist-sororist network. Think about it: what a coincidence, but Engel's party partner, the sciatica Jean-Claude Juncker, as the finance minister and prime minister of Luxembourg, turned his country into a tax haven similar to the Cayman Islands for global giant companies and banks. he will be the president of the European Commission. The right person for the right place.

And here is Vera Jourova, who right now wants to ruin Hungary and interfere in next year's elections: she was also arrested years ago at the Prague airport on suspicion of corruption. Suspicions remained suspicions, but our good Vera soon after took photos with the philanthropist and philanthropist papa Soros. Interesting…

By the way, Mr. Engel's "angelic" - and especially Christian - nature and "authenticity" were also shown in other ways.

At a plenary session of the European Parliament, Viktor Orbán once said that the government is pursuing a conservative policy, that everything is about religion, the nation, and the family. He said this as a Christian Social politician. Awesome. True, his party belongs to the People's Party, which is anything but conservative and Christian...

Another time, at a LIBE-Commission meeting, he said that "if we push them (meaning the Hungarians - FT) into their heads strongly enough, they will do what we want. This is how it goes." (You could add: here, in the union...)

Let's say it: what Engel said here is gangster style. Left-liberal, globalist thug style.

So I ask poetically, what alliance are we in??

Oh, and in the meantime I realized: the nomen est omen is still true in the case of Frank Engel.

Not because of Engel, but because of Frank. Especially if it's Swiss.

Author: Tamás Fricz, political scientist