"An investigation has been launched in Ukraine against the socialist Zsolt Legény", it was revealed from the documents published on the internet by Fidesz MP Gyula Budai, M1 News reported.

Last December, the Ukrainian customs authorities found a large quantity of unlicensed cigarettes in the trunk of Zsolt Legény's car. The MSZP politician denied in a video that he had anything to do with the illegally delivered tobacco, but later resigned from all party positions.

According to the video published by Gyula Budai, Zsolt Legény admitted the smuggling on the spot and answered the customs officer's question: "Well, there are cigarettes in it." Based on the document, the black market value of the cigarettes found in Zsolt Legény's car could be up to HUF six million.

Source: M1 / ​​hirado.hu / Facebook

Front page image: Illustration / Zsolt Legény, a former strongman of the MSZP, was convicted of cigarette smuggling in Ukraine and left the party immediately. Photo: MSZP