Dante sets out on the night of Maundy Thursday before Easter to find an answer to the most important question of all people: which is the right, the true path of life that leads to happiness.

Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) was born in Florence, a famous thinker and politician of the time, whose death this year the educated world remembers the 700th anniversary of his death. In his main work, The Divine Play, an eternal masterpiece of European literature, he set out on the night of Maundy Thursday before Easter at the age of 35, "halfway through the journey of human life", to find an answer to the main question of every human being: which is the right, the true path of life, which leads to happiness leads

With the scholar poet of ancient Rome, Virgil, he visits famous personalities, scientists, politicians, and rulers that he knows, in order to see how their lives will continue in eternity. Ever since Europe began counting time from the birth of Christ, there was little doubt that Christ was the Son of God, who created the universe and man in it, born as a man.

The pagan Virgil leads Dante to the two great realms of eternity, Hell and then Purgatory. In Hell, hatred, anger, envy and other terrible sins torment the people who continue their earthly lives there. Deeply shocked, Dante flees from the sight of people in Hell and reaches Purgatory. The suffering here is no less than in Hell, but those there bear it with joy, because they have hope! The people there know that they have sinned against God's commandments and must make amends.

And if they are cleansed of sin, they will reach happiness.

Finally, Dante reaches Paradiso, the land of Bliss, where "Love moves the Sun and all the Stars!" God's color vision gives boundless joy. God, who is Love itself! Here he is received by Beatrice, the pure love of Dante's youth, and points out the saints whose lives were ruled by the Virtues on earth and which will make them happy in Eternity.

Dante's work also answers the questions of today's people, if you listen to it with an open heart.

The world, people, basically nothing has changed, even today we all desire, we are looking for the true path to happiness. Many people, even after the example of 2,000 years of Christianity, without caring about it, try to search for and find happiness without God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Sooner or later they will fail. They do not know what everyone knew in the Middle Ages: the creator and lord of the world is God, who is love itself. Who personally loves all people! Who became human so that we can get close to him! To make Him the center of our lives!

God does not classify people into religious and non-religious people.

He is the Father of all! He invites everyone to happiness! He is patiently and lovingly waiting for us to find the right path, just as Dante found it after many experiences and thoughts!

We can be happy anywhere and anytime if we accept the commandments God gave to Moses 4000 years ago, engraved on two stone tablets. We humans are not only created for a few decades, not only this visible world is ours, but we have eternal life! The resurrection of Jesus Christ proved it. This is what Easter is all about!

After death, which ends earthly life, our life continues in the world we chose during earthly life: with God or without God!

In Paradise or Hell, or in purgatory belonging to the forecourt of paradise.

Everyone experiences everyday that if they choose the good, they will be filled with happiness. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are reminders that human evil is cruel. But God is much more powerful! He is Lord of the world! And He is with us, in us, in the depths of our hearts!

He will never leave us! He loves us as we are!

Sometimes in our earthly life, it is worthwhile to think with Dante and learn from the life experience of our fellow humans and ourselves, and start a new life, also drawing inspiration from the spring renewal of nature. The greening of seemingly dead trees and bushes, the unsurpassed richness of flowers, the experience and admiration of the power and beauty of life, fill our hearts with true joy, and let us sing a song of thanks to the Lord!

Source: Mária Prokopp / vasarnap.hu

Cover photo: Krisztián Szénnyes