Today is Hungarian Poetry Day, which has been celebrated every year since 1964 on Attila József's birthday. Since it is not possible to participate in person due to the coronavirus epidemic, the organizers are waiting for those interested with diverse online programs this year, from here and beyond the border.

At Szentendré, visitors can tour the city with a Poetry Map throughout the weekend, the Palace of Arts presents a Hobo Evening and a Dezső Tandori memorial show online. On the evening of Poetry Day, the Budapest Philharmonic Society's documentary The Novel Story of Szózat will also debut. The production, which can be seen on the Company's YouTube channel, introduces viewers to the adventurous story of the poem interspersed with interesting and entertaining episodes in an educational manner, with the help of animations and video insertions.

The staff of the Sopron Museum also came up with a creative idea: they decorate the fence of the Lenck villa on Deák tér with the favorite poems of the townspeople, and in Veszprém they promote poetry with gift bookmarks with poems. The Vörösmarty commemorative year also ends on Sunday, and on the closing day, famous artists and the award winners of the Vörösmarty poetry festival will also perform.

In Székelyudvarhely, the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sepsiszentgyörgy presents its exhibition entitled Versképek, which contains illustrations of contemporary Hungarian children's poems. The Tamási Áron Theater and the Udvartér Teatrum in Kézdivásárhely present a joint production of seven young Transylvanian poets and actors from Sepsiszentgyörgy. On April 11, new posts about Pilinszky will be published on the Facebook page of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Bucharest every hour between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., and the Csíki Theater will perform the poem collection Eleven at 11 a.m. in front of the theater building.

On the occasion of Poetry Day, a street exhibition was created in Vojvodina, Horgos and Magyarkanizsa, where locals could string their favorite poems.