The online celebration of the state and legal science section of the 35th National Science Student Conference (OTDK) started yesterday and will last until Thursday in Debrecen The Minister of Justice, Dr. Judit Varga, also participated and spoke, who today wrote the following on her social media page:

After completing their studies, it is the turn of the university students to take our country forward on the path they have started in accordance with the motto of "unity in diversity". In a Europe where unity and the diversity of different member states are of equal weight and equal value.

We can only be loyal and committed Europeans by keeping and carrying forward our national characteristics. Participating in scientific student circles and competing in national and international competitions can provide ammunition for this enterprise.

I would also like to congratulate all the students who submitted a project to this year's OTDK. On Monday, after the ceremonial opening speech at the university, I met with Lajos Kósa, Mayor László Papp, as well as the president of the Debrecen court and the jury.