The Scandinavian country no longer welcomes immigrants. The government is determined to stop migration to the country and reverse the current process as much as possible.

In Denmark, since 2001, the restrictions have been almost continuous, and they are increasingly reducing the supports and opportunities for immigrants. This is a situation that has been going on for a long time, which has probably now come to an end - said Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! in his show.

Although the leadership of the northern country is left-wing, it has completely adopted the right-wing anti-immigration policy, after all, this is how the vast majority of the population thinks about the situation, said Emese Kovács, a staff member of the Migration Research Institute.

Emese Kovács, Migration Research Institute

At the same time, this is a difficult procedure, as deportation is not an option. Most countries do not accept migrants expelled from other European countries, so the Danish government pays for them to travel home in the form of an expatriation subsidy, which can reach 5-10 million HUF. Even so, this is only a fraction of the amount they have to pay in a year to care for people who settle in the country.

"However, you should think ahead, because it can be difficult to solve the problem that was caused by false community leadership in the absence of common sense by unauthorized pseudo-representations with an unruly spirit. This applies to the entire European Union!” - writes a commenter (Mihály Tarkó) on the topic on his Facebook page. And how right he is!