Communism came to power in Eastern Europe, but it also fell, but the population here gained some immunity against world-changing ideas.

When Salvador Dalí's famous painting was completed about half a year before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the fight between the liberal anti-church left and the conservatives defending the country's unity and traditions had already been going on for more than a decade. Something similar is happening now in France, but in general throughout the Western world, meaning Europe and North America.

Communism came to power in Eastern Europe, but it also fell, but the population here gained some immunity against world-changing ideas. Not so in the West, where the working class was not willing to carry out the revolution at the time (although there were such attempts in Finland in 1918 and Austria in 1934), but the population, not experiencing the practical application of great ideas, is willing to accept or at least tolerating the spread of extremist ideologies, which now clearly points in the direction of destroying historic Europe and historic America.

Paul Craig Roberts , who was Deputy Secretary of the Treasury during Ronald Reagan's presidency and later became known for his publishing activities and fierce opposition to the aggressive foreign policy of the Bush and then Obama administrations, sees the situation as follows:

“Of all peoples, the white ethnicities of the Western world have the worst prospects. The reason for this is that due to decades of indoctrination against them by white people, white intellectuals and cultural Marxists, they have lost their self-confidence. Today, governments in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Western Europe favor people of color, including illegal immigrants, over native whites who face displacement in their own countries.”

The process described by Paul Craig Roberts was caused by the fact that Cultural Marxists armed with the teachings of the Frankfurt School (questioners of the traditional European value system) gradually occupied the institutions of the Western world, universities, courts, public offices in general, during the "long march" of the past decades. the media and also the leading positions of social democratic parties that lost their original base (the working class).

Their success is also due to the fact that their ideology is largely in line with the interests of the increasingly concentrated international money capital, so their political manifestations have received and continue to receive significant financial and media support. One of the main features of their politics is immigration, including the support of illegal immigration and the questioning of the white man's culture and historical traditions in general, which then manifests itself in practice in such extremes as the support of the American BLM movement (black lives matter) or the anti-indigenous population in Europe attacks and the tolerance of opposition to European law in general, the two most recent tragic consequences of which were the murders of a French teacher and a French police officer.

It is probably this increasingly untenable situation that prompted twenty French retired generals and about a thousand soldiers, including active ones, to publish an open letter addressed to the president, the government and the parliament, in which they draw attention to the fact that the current the continuation of these trends will lead to tragic consequences. From this open letter - because it characterizes the European situation well - it is appropriate to quote at length:

"We are going through difficult times, France is in danger, it is threatened by several deadly threats. We, who remain soldiers of France even after retirement, cannot remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country under the current circumstances.

Our tricolor flag is not just a piece of fabric, it symbolizes the tradition of those who served France and sacrificed their lives for it, regardless of skin color or creed. These flags read "Honneur et Patrie" (Honor and Homeland) in gold letters. Today, honor means taking action against the degradation that is plaguing our country.

It is a degradation that, through a certain anti-racism, has the sole purpose of creating a bad feeling in our country and even hatred between the individual communities. Today, some talk about racism, indigenous nationalism and anti-colonialism theories, but through these terms, race war is what the hateful and fanatical supporters of these theories want.

They despise our country, our country's traditions and culture, and they want it to be liquidated by eradicating its past and history. Through statues and the analysis of centuries-old words, they attack former military and civilian glories.

It is a degradation that, along with Islamism and the suburban hordes, is leading to the secession of many parts of the nation and turning them into areas subject to dogmas contrary to our constitution. However, every Frenchman, whatever his religion, is everywhere at home in France; there cannot and should not be any city or district where the laws of the republic do not apply...

The dangers are getting bigger, the violence is increasing day by day. Who would have thought ten years ago that one day a teacher would be beheaded in front of his school? We, the servants of the nation, who have always been ready to take our skins to the fair - as our military nature demanded - cannot be passive observers of such actions...

If we do nothing, laxity will continue to spread unstoppably in society, eventually leading to an explosion and requiring the intervention of our active peers in a dangerous mission to protect our civilizational values ​​and protect our fellow citizens on our nation's soil. We see that there is no more time for delay, or tomorrow civil war will put an end to this growing chaos, and the dead, for whom you will be responsible, will be counted by the thousands.”

But the soldiers were not the first to draw attention to the growing chaos and the Islamization of the country or the possibility of civil war. Michel Houellebecq's book Surrender in Hungarian , in which the country transforms into an Islamic republic in a peaceful way, almost imperceptibly for the average person, in the coalition of Islamist parties and socialists, or the bloodier version of the same process in Laurent Obertone's book Guerrilla

The soldier swears to take his skin to the fair in order to protect his country, whether he is dealing with external or internal enemies. These soldiers have now done so, obviously counting on the retaliation that Emmanuel Macron and Florence Parly have already put into perspective.

But they are unlikely to have a hard time with the military and law enforcement agencies, which are usually recruited by people who are committed to the protection of their country or law and order. In 1956, the Rákosi could not count on the support of the military or the police here either.

Be that as it may, demographic calculations show that in the second half of the 21st century, the Muslim population may predominate in Western Europe, which will most likely be accompanied by violent processes. We can think about whether we could somehow get out of this expected chaos?

(The author is an economist, advisor to the National Forum, member of the C12 expert group)