Dear Graduation Students! You are slowly drifting away from your beloved Alma mater, this period is both a holiday and the first big challenge of your life.

In the unprecedented epidemiological situation, when you have to cover your smile with a mask, handshakes are only recommended with rubber gloves, and many of you are mourning, - in the midst of political filth, in the storm of anti-vaccination campaigns -, this year perhaps you will receive less attention. Life took something very important and irreplaceable from you, and you had to grow up sooner to the world of discipline and adaptation.

Few people think about the ordeal of home-office studying at home for a young person, far from others, far from hanging out together, going to pubs, sports, student love, romantic wanderings, good concerts, or even cinemas and theaters. Along with this, you have been moving in the world of IT, in a digital cosmos, which is already known to you, since you are natives of this dimension, where millions of information are waiting to find you. They are orbiting outside like satellites around the earth, waiting to contact you!

Don't forget, I say in an old-fashioned teacher's way, that attention is the most valuable currency of a person. Everyone is paying attention! The teachers, your parents, the media, politicians, but also your love, friends, fellow students and I could list more.

Attention is a huge asset, so it's worth using it!

The Good Lord forbade us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, but the light-bringing Lucifer (Latins know: lucis = light, fero = to bring) outwitted this and our ancestors in Eden still tasted that apple. Well, that was original sin. We lost our eternal life, which belonged to our spiritual body, and with that we also lost our knowledge of wholeness.

Our knowledge is partial, and it is not by chance that we sometimes say with outstretched arms: God knows! Now dimly through a mirror, but after our Lord Jesus has freed us from original sin, one day we will see face to face! (I can already hear the atheists: why not now! I wish I had an answer!)

The apple symbol of the iPhone is no accident either. We can take a big bite out of eternal knowledge, but the whole thing is not knowable for us and we often forget what we know. This is how he protects God's mortal lambs.

However, he also gave us two treasures: curiosity and intuition. Intuition is always the signpost of holistic vision and curiosity leads to what you or your partner needs to discover and experience. They determine your destiny, your life path!

That's why you should be honest with yourself and go where these road signs lead you. Attention is a precious treasure, don't waste it on all kinds of worthless temptations, because the Shining One will offer a thousand gifts in exchange for it: money, power, glamour, it says that you can actually do anything, you can be a girl or a boy, transgender or child, you don't need a family, back home, history is a dead end anyway, just live for today, travel on the material train while you can. It shouts: be free! Fulfill yourself! The others? Does not matter!

Then you notice that you are no longer interested in anything, you have run out of attention, curiosity, and intuition! You can go to hell.

At the same time, a soft call, a ringing, a transcendent hunch always comes from your heart, from somewhere inside, which guides you towards your true self. If you follow this, you will have strong goals and successes, you will not focus on the insatiable desires of the individual, but on your roles in the community, your own family, your coming children, your future home. Man can only lead his life from the direction of the future.



Never forget that you are not here on earth by chance and it is not by chance that you are here either! Because others and God need you.

That's why he created you!

This is also the case if you are faced with adversity or if you think you are abandoned. Feel free to say with one of György Spiró's heroes: "I'm sure he has a purpose!"

Even in the worst of times, Jesus will bend down for you and suggest: it's good that you're here!

Ps According to the press, you all came to the written graduation exam almost without fail! You are serious! Congratulations!

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