The relationship with the land of the parties preparing for the primary election circus can be seen in the DK's election program, where "This land, on which the blood of your fathers has flowed so many times" would now be for sale again.

It seems obvious that the opposition, if it were to come to government, would first of all denationalize the property, leaving only property that can be sold again and include agricultural land in its list of elements! On the other hand, Jobbik's program only mentions the concept close to the government regarding land, it seems that they have forgotten to rewrite it, since according to their leader named Jakab, rural people do not understand complicated party programs anyway, they only need to be sold a sense of life! I think they should feel cared for! Of course, they are already part of the liberal katyvass, who say: Hungarians across the border can be bought at the price of glass beads, and rural people are stupid!

Well, according to the opposition, Hungary has only one city: Budapest. Here the decisive opinions are formed, here the money is distributed, here the monetary gurus represent themselves! Of course, you can sense that it's not always Christmas here! It's not just because during the one and a half year reign of their mayor, he's just powerless, handing out money and positions to his comrades, but he doesn't have any vision of how to proceed? Gyurcsány will tell you!

The countryside is just a pantry in the house of cards of the left-liberals. Its importance is only during the elections, then you have to lie big, promise grass and wood, and threaten the influx of our compatriots from abroad!

And after the elections, it can be left at the mercy of foreign capital. We know this liberal recipe well from the activities of the Horn-Medgyessy-Gyurcsány-Bajnai governments, as a result of which they dispersed the wealth that their communist predecessors requisitioned from the people.

According to its program, the DK would completely destroy the current land transfer law and would also abolish the moratorium on land purchases by foreigners.

Referring to the socially reasonable use of land, Klára Dobrev's party considers it of utmost importance that the land market be opened up to agricultural enterprises as well. Currently, agricultural land can only be purchased by private individuals living locally, economic operators and foreigners cannot. He imagines that in Hungarian agriculture, small farms and large-scale enterprises, which are gaining ground, can be effective by supposing and complementing each other. And this means family farms placed at the service of agricultural giants.

In fact, they go further: The DK would also welcome the forced association of Hungarian producers into cooperatives, which was considered inevitable, undermining the self-determination of the little ones.

So enter the producer cooperative! the password can be issued again. Of course, beatings, sitting by the stove, and grouping are no longer possible, but economic coercion would work. With laws that would protect the interests of the new landowners. If they haven't already taken all the land in Trianon, they will now.

Then there's the new American crop. Genetically engineered, GMO. Klára Dobrev and her party would open the way for GMOs, but at the same time genetically modified plants are not needed to supply the Hungarian population, and their spread in Hungary is not justified by other considerations. The reason for this is that our current plant cultivation and seed production are outstanding in the world, and the needs of more than twice the population can be met in this country. The cultivation of GMOs and large-scale agricultural production is primarily in the interest of the world's leading agricultural companies.

These giant companies have serious lobbying power, among other things, within the European Commission, and their influence also extends to the civil sphere. It is no coincidence that the current party leader Fekete-Győr favors American GMO cultivation in his Facebook post

"I learned that genetically modified plants are grown almost everywhere in the USA, which are not perfect, but the McClures (owners of the farm, editor) say: GMOs are more important than the use of plant protection agents that are harmful to humans and the environment! Meanwhile, Europe, including Hungary, takes a very rigid stance against GMOs, which impairs the competitiveness of European farmers on the world market.

At the same time, the possible partial election victory of the left-wing alliance is not enough for the authorization of GMOs in Hungary. Since the basic law of our country declares GMO-free agricultural production, the left-wing representatives would need a two-thirds parliamentary majority and an amendment to the basic law to make the change, which is currently unlikely.

The communist TSZ presidents would now be the foreign owners, and what they prescribe should be grown on Hungarian land. If it is in their interest that the Hungarian land produces soot, then it will. I don't even understand how they dare to stand before the voters with such a fraudulent program.

Yes, but Jakab corrected me: rural people don't understand anyway!