Who pays for the ferry? That is, who pays for the subsistence of illegal migrants who do not take up work, but do use the social system as a source of money? Of course, those who work and pay taxes.

More and more governments in Europe are starting to realize - of course, with considerable delay - that accepting migrants without collars is not only the impossibility of associating two types of culture, and is unsustainable not only because of the flood of terrorism and crime, but rather than the hoped-for economic prosperity, it is driving the country towards bankruptcy . given state.

Of course, there are also quite a few people - these globalists - who bury their heads in the sand like ostriches. Or, even worse, they blame the citizens of the host country, telling them everything, as if they could pretend that the arrivals are not willing to adapt even to the written laws and rules.

What would happen to Hungary if Mrs. Gyurcsány and her team came to power? The answer is simple: we should support them from our taxes. Economist Imre Boros also talks about this