Gábor Kálomista, director of the Thália Theater, gave an interview to Origo. In the first half of the longer conversation, he mainly talks about the attacks surrounding the film Elk.rtuk.

The producer said that the topic has been on his mind ever since it happened, because it caused him serious emotions. They worked a lot with the film, serious research preceded its production. According to him, it is a mistake to classify the Ószöd speech as a speech of truth, but also as a lie, instead it should be considered a serious political assassination against Hungarian society. The terror in Gyurcsány is a very unique thing in Europe, since then the smear campaign has been going on, because even today he is the leading figure of the left, so he has returned to Hungarian politics, he said. And we have to deal with this topic because one or two generations have grown up who have no idea who Ferenc Gyurcsány is, the young people think he is a loose guy. All of this is Kálomista's opinion, but the film is more nuanced than this, as it is aimed at a wider audience. And many people are interested in this story, it can be sold well, he believes.

Gyurcsány is panting for revenge, he has already been sentenced without a trial, says the producer, who also receives threats, but this should not scare him. Physical threats are unacceptable in the 21st century, he claims. Gábor Kálomista also said that it was difficult to choose actors, because after the casting, they received attacks from many places in the profession. Producers and directors scolded the film and its creators from the beginning.

Source and featured image: mandiner.hu