The Transylvanian Hungarian National Council - through its legal representative, Kincses Előd, a lawyer from Marosvásárhely - appealed to the Romanian National Council for the Fight Against Discrimination regarding a publication published earlier this year, the EMNT press office said.

The defamatory, slanderous, discrediting writing is primarily directed against the Hungarian state and the Hungarian people, including the part of the nation living within the borders of Romania, but the Gypsy minority in Székelyföld also gets out of the stigma.

The two authors - an "expert" turned reserve intelligence colonel and a "historian-publicist" working as a television showman - wrote a manipulatively "documented" book containing their phantasmagorias and speculations. In essence , they want to prove that the Hungarian and Russian secret services were behind both the 1989 Romanian revolution and the 1990 anti-Hungarian pogrom in Marosvásárhely. Their goal was the destabilization and destruction of Romania, as well as the annexation of Transylvania to Hungary, but the Securitate, the patriotic political police of the Ceausescu regime, was able to prevent all of this, even though a conspiracy of great powers and neighboring states was aimed at destroying the organization.

It is only thanks to the "good Romanian secuses" that Transylvania is still part of Romania today - one can read from numerous books containing political slander and violating personal rights, in addition to the obvious falsification of history. In which more and more serious accusations are made against many prominent representatives of the Hungarian nation, but also Romanian personalities who played a role in the downfall of the communist dictatorship are labeled as traitors and foreign agents.

It is incompatible with the concept of the rule of law that in Romania, a member state of the European Union, "intellectual products" that incite hatred, insult ethnic communities, trample on the dignity of their members, poison public life, and their authors can reach the widest public with impunity.

more about this here.