Viktor Orbán explained in his speech in Vigado at the Hungarian Independence Day conference on Saturday: this is the day when Hungary speaks for the first time in the debate about the future of the EU.

He believed that Europe is a cultural formation that is fantastic, impressive, breathtaking and inimitable, European culture is tried to be introduced in many places, but they cannot match the original. Better and worse periods alternated in the life of Europe, but Europe is eternal, he said.

Viktor Orbán emphasized: today is the day of Hungarian freedom, it has been thirty years since we won the Cold War, and it has been proven that the Soviets no longer have the strength to use the army and violence, the only means of holding the socialist camp together. The peoples of Central Europe won the last battle of the Cold War, he added.

He emphasized: then "freedom did not arrive, but we earned it, communism did not fall, but we overthrew it, the Berlin Wall did not fall, but we toppled it, the Soviets did not go out, but we pushed them out."

The Prime Minister said, "Today we are still the same as we were, Europe's last living freedom fighters", and the history of Europe has not changed, but we have changed it.

Looking at and analyzing the future of Europe, he formulated 7 theses:

According to the first, we are "scooting" towards an imperial European Union, instead of a Europe of nations, a European superstate is being built in Brussels, for which no one has given authority. According to him, this is harmful for the future, the democracy of democracies is the path to be followed, the basis of which is the European nations. The government is therefore opposed to the empire builders.

As the second thesis, he stated that, in his opinion , Brussels is currently controlled by those who see integration not as a means, but as a goal, an end in themselves, and therefore want to overwrite all national interests and traditional values. According to the prime minister, this is why their political opponents strive to weaken the natural communities that form the basis of European culture. "The nation, the regions, the Christian and Jewish churches, and the families are in the crosshairs," he emphasized.

According to the third thesis, Brussels has outsourced and transferred a significant part of its power to networks organized and controlled from outside Europe, primarily to the Soros networks and the American democratic interests behind them. He stated: this is an abuse of the power that the member states have conferred on the committee.

As the government's fourth thesis, Viktor Orbán stated that without joint economic success, the European Union will fall apart. "That's why we, who are supporters of the European Union, should only support a policy that focuses exclusively on joint economic success," he said. He believed that today Brussels instead fights with itself, with its own member states, educates, threatens, coerces and punishes, that is, it abuses its power and destroys itself.

The fifth thesis, according to the Prime Minister, is that the next decade will be an era of dangerous challenges, migrations, migration, epidemics and pandemics, and it is in this dangerous era that security and success in the world economy must be created.

He emphasized: the prerequisite for success is the restoration of European democracy. In order to protect the national and constitutional identity of the member states, a new institution must therefore be established involving the constitutional courts of the member states.

As the sixth thesis, he stated: the European Parliament has proven to be a dead end from the point of view of European democracy, it only represents its own ideological and institutional interests, therefore the role of national parliaments must be significantly increased.

The Prime Minister stated as his seventh thesis: Serbia should be included in the European Union, because Serbia's membership is of greater interest on the part of the Union than on the part of the Serbs.

Viktor Orbán pointed out: the debate on the future of the European Union has begun, they can finally talk openly about the problems, about everything that hurts and hurts the citizens of the member states.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers a speech on the thirtieth anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops in Vigado in Pest Photo: MH/Péter Papajcsik

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers a speech on the thirtieth anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops in Vigado in Pest
Photo: MH/Péter Papajcsik

"The podium was also carved for us. I hope I see it for what it is. We just need enough intellectual courage, and we can use it for our own purposes," he said.

He emphasized: with the debate on the future of the European Union, Hungary was given an opportunity to stop the "Sovietization of the European Union and the Muscovization of Brussels".

"We know the danger, since we have only been living in freedom for thirty years," added the prime minister, who said that "we have always been Europe's freedom fighters."

Source and full article, part of the Prime Minister's speech can be read:

Featured image: MH/Péter Papajcsik