After the initial momentum, the campaign of Mayor Gergely Karácsony died out, and in June he was unable to increase his support by one-fifth - it is clear from the national representative research conducted by the Nézőpont Intézet for the Hungarian Nation. At the end of June, fifty percent of adult Hungarians named Viktor Orbán and only 18 percent the mayor when asked who they would choose as prime minister between Viktor Orbán and Gergely Karácsony.

Monday's edition of the daily's article explains that, since mid-May, the Nézőpont Institute has regularly asked adult Hungarians in its research which of Viktor Orbán and Gergely Karácsony they would choose as prime minister.

In the week after the start of the campaign, 16 percent named the mayor, which dropped to 14 percent a week later, probably because of the scandals surrounding his English skills. Karácsony was only able to improve his campaign against the Chinese university at the beginning of June: at the beginning of June, the proportion of those supporting his prime ministership rose to 21 percent.

However, the mayor lost June,

the number of those who wanted him as prime minister did not grow any further, and even started to decrease slightly, from 21 to 18 percent by the end of June. Anti-China did not prove to be a lasting help in communication, the lack of language skills and the paralysis of transportation in the capital proved to have a stronger effect.

Not only the mayor's own weak and weakening support, but also the persistently high voter base of the incumbent prime minister can cause headaches.

The proportion of those who wanted to re-elect Viktor Orbán against Karácson was constantly around fifty percent during the period under review.

The mayor's intention to run did not deter anyone on the right from supporting Viktor Orbán

- explains the research. In addition, Gergely Karácsony's chances of victory - even in the primary election - are reduced by the fact that the support of the Párbeszéd co-chairman is not clear even among government critics.

At the end of June, statistically, the same number of people in this potential camp said that they did not want either Orbán or Karácsony as prime minister (41 percent), as many favored the mayor (42 percent), reads Magyar Nemzet.

