A child has a right to a mother and a father, to experience the complementary parental unit, to have a model in front of him that he can carry on later. say the experts. Nevertheless, in France, artificial insemination of single women and women living in homosexual relationships has been allowed. The password for genders is in vain: in vitro veritas!

France passed a law on Tuesday that will allow single women and gay couples to receive fertility treatment, previously only available to heterosexuals. The National Assembly decided this week on the expansion of reproductive rights after a series of heated debates lasting two years and numerous demonstrations.

The first "artificial" babies can be conceived by the end of 2021!

There has been strong opposition to the plan in the French Senate, which has undergone more than 1,500 amendments in the past two years. The final word was given by the National Assembly, which finally accepted the proposal with 326 votes, 115 against and 42 abstentions.

The law will take effect in the autumn and would give all women under 43 access to different fertility procedures, namely in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination.

The costs would be covered by the French health service, i.e. the interventions would become free.

According to supporters of the proposal, the decision was urgent because many French women would like to use the expensive fertility treatment, and they had to travel to Belgium and Spain for it. Health Minister Olivier Véran said that he hopes the first children can be conceived by the end of 2021.

From now on, the name of the partner is also included on the birth certificate.

Source: qLit

Source: qLit/illustration

What is new about the law is that children conceived with donor sperm can learn the identity of the donor when they become adults, ending the current anonymity of donors. In addition, according to the new decision, both the birth mother and her partner must be named as the child's parents on the birth certificate.

With this step, France is unfortunately not unique in Europe. Already ten of the EU countries: Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden have enacted laws on the artificial insemination of homosexuals. Outside the EU, there are also similar legal provisions in Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom.

All this portends a horrible future for us! Entire generations can grow up without a father.

However, for a child's healthy physical, mental and spiritual development, he needs both a mother's and a father's role model.

It is a great thing that Hungary, as a small island in the middle of Europe, stands up for the protection of children. That while more and more countries around us give in to the pressure of distorted Western ideologies, our country goes against the political mainstream and, keeping the interests of children in mind, includes the order created by God in the Basic Law. The mother is a woman, the father is a man.

According to the research results of American sociologist Paul Sullins, children raised by homosexual couples have twice as many emotional problems as children of heterosexual couples.

There are many more mental health, behavioral and learning problems among them, and many more people struggle with depression, suicide and addiction problems. Also, they are more likely to have an asexual or homosexual orientation than among children raised by same-sex couples.

The mother is a woman, the father is a man - Image source: Pixabay

The mother is a woman, the father is a man - Image source: Pixabay

Rita Pécsi, educational researcher, drew attention to that

"from the point of view of the child's personality development, one of the strongest protective nets is the mother-father's real loving relationship".

Source: vasarnap.hu / BBC News